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Dark Unknown Place:

It was dark from this area nobody knew where this place was, but one person did. He drove in, and transformed into his bot mode.

Sideways: hiss. Have you located it yet?

Cyclonus: no. It will take time. But

Sideways was very upset, and grabbed cyclonus' neck, and pinned him to the wall.

Sideways: we need it. And you haven't found it yet our master would not be pleased. With your failures. Anyways our master wants to see us, and I don't know why. But it sounds important.

Sideways, and Cyclonus went to see their master who hasn't woken yet.

Cyclonus: what do you think it is about Sideways

Sideways: I told you before that I don't know you. Buffoon.

When they reached inside to the location to where their master was. Sideways went in front to let their master speak through him.

Sideways: Cyclonus I want you to tell me everything that our master explains to you. Cyclonus.

Cyclonus: yes. I heard you

Sideways: don't you start with me. Now isn't the time.

Sideways walked, and stepped in to let their master speak before he knew it his master was controlling him.

Cyclonus: our leader, and master Unicorn. You said you have something important to tell us.

Unicorn: indeed. There is a new mission I want you, and Sideways to do. But first I need to take control of Megatron. Because I have foreseen greater evil, and destruction that can help us.

Cyclonus: of course my Lord. And who is this greater evil I may ask.

Unicorn: he is just a child yet I am afraid he will not go easy. This sparkling's name is Daikon, the child of Shockwave, and Marcy. I am also thinking that they will have a high security alert protecting Daikon, and probably Megatron. But once we get our hands on Daikon we will be unstoppable.

Unicorn ended the talk. And Sideways returned to his normal self.

Sideways: So what did he say? And tell me word for word what he had said. Don't leave anything out.

Cyclonus: right. From what he said he wants us to go on a mission to locate this sparkling named Daikon.

Sideways: what for he's a child.

Cyclonus: hey I am not finished yet.

Sideways: sorry carry on.

Cyclonus: He said that this child is greater for evil. And he said he is also going to control Megatron. But he is afraid that there will be high security to protect Daikon, and Megatron.

Sideways: of course. That is nothing new.

Cyclonus: but we may have problems. He said that this sparkling is the child of Shockwave, and Marcy.

Sideways: what wait. Did you just say Marcy?

Cyclonus: yes why.

Sideways: Because the way I know her is because her father is LeoZack, and Unicorn also tried to control LeoZack, but that didn't work out as planned. So Unicorn is going to try to get Daikon. Let's see how that will work out because of LeoZack.

Cyclonus: Wait You mean that our master tried to take control of LeoZack? I don't remember that.

Sideways: Surprising that you don't remember, but I do. But I know Marcy. She's not going to take it too well. It's not that easy. I fought her once. She's just like her father.

Sideways so I know that trying to get Daikon won't be easy. And I can see why. This is going to get interesting.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 3Where stories live. Discover now