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In The Halls:

Daikon was leaving the room heading to his berth room. Still drinking his energon bottle. When he was walking he noticed someone he had never seen before.

Daikon: Who are you? And what are you?

Airachnid: what a sparkling. She asked.

Airachnid quickly picked the sparkling up, and was holding, and hurting Daikon in the way he didn't like it.

Daikon: stop please, you're hurting me. Put me down please. He looked in the corner of his eyes, and saw Megsy walking down the hall.

Daikon: MEGSY. Help me. He yelled

Megatron quickly stopped, and turned around, and saw Airachnid holding Daikon in the air. And pinning him against the wall

Megatron: Airachnid. He said.

Airachnid turned around, and saw Megatron heading in her direction

Megatron: put him down now. Or I'll have no choice, but to extinguish your spark.

Airachnid: Oh really. I am surprised that you have a sparkling aboard the Nemesis my Liege.

Megatron: put him down NOW, Megatron yelled. or you'll have to answer to his sire.

Airachnid: Let me guess you are the sire.

Megatron: no. But he is.

Airachnid quickly turned, and saw Shockwave.

Shockwave: put him down. Airachnid, or else.

Airachnid: or else what.

She started to a little bit almost piercing through his frame. When she did, Daikon started screaming.

Daikon screaming:

Daikon: Please stop. Sire, Megsy. Please make her stop.

Megatron quickly grabbed Airachnid by his servo, dragging her to the bridge. After Megatron left with Airachnid. Shockwave quickly picked up Daikon, and immediately took him to the med bay.

Daikon crying:

Daikon: Sire, why would she do that? Ahh. Sire. It hurts.

Shockwave: shh. It's okay, Daikon. I am here. I will make sure she never hurts you again.

Shockwave went directly to the med bay, and went inside. Knockout was busy, and running some tests that Lord Megatron had requested, and wanted done.

Knockout: Shockwave, Daikon what brings you. Wait Daikon, are you okay? Shockwave what happened.

Shockwave: you wouldn't believe it, but guess who's back.

Knockout: well let me think. I know it isn't Marcy. Is it Predaking?

Shockwave: no. Different. Starts with an a

Knockout thought long, and hard until he knew who, and what he was talking about.

Knockout: no. It isn't. S.. she. It can't be. It's Airachnid isn't.

Shockwave: yup. You got it. Anyways, nevermind that I need you to look over Daikon. He is damaged a little bit as you can see caused by Airachnid. Right now Megatron is talking to her I guess. Not sure what he is going to do to her.

Knockout: well I hope I never run into her, not after what she did to Breakdown.

Shockwave: yes. I heard about that.

Knockout: but nevermind that. Let's take a look at you Daikon. Where's the place she hurt you?

Daikon: here. She dug her metal legs into my frame. It hurt.

Knockout: well you're safe with us Daikon. Shockwave would understand what he said. If she ever lays a hand, or servo on you she'll have to answer to me Shockwave, and Megatron.

Knockout quickly got up, and got the medical kit, and started to work on the area where it hurts the most.

Daikon: hiss. Daikon winced at the pain when Knockout wiped, and cleaned the wounded area.

Knockout: there. All better. Just try to take it easy for a couple of days. Daikon, you were really brave.

Daikon: really. I don't know. Sire, do you think I was brave?

Shockwave: yes I do son. Both me, and your carrier think you are brave.

Daikon. I guess I am brave. Just like Megsy. He is always brave in all the battles from which I heard he fought.

Knockout chuckled, and laughed.

Knockout: hey. Did you forget about what we are doing and planning for the next day, Daikon?

Daikon: what's happening tomorrow.

Knockout: I made a deal with you that I will show you what I do remember.

Daikon: Oh yeah. Sorry Knockey I forgot.

Knockout: that's okay. Well you guys are all set. I better get back to work. Don't want Megatron on my tailpipe.

Shockwave: right. Come on Daikon let's go.

Shockwave bent down, and picked up Daikon, and carried him around. He was starting to walk past the bridge when he heard yelling, and shouting coming from inside. He knew what was going on, but he went on his way. He was upset at Airachnid, and didn't want to face her.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin