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After he made it back to the Nemesis he went directly first to Megatron. He went to the bridge to see if he was there. He finally reached the bridge, and the doors opened, but the only person he saw was Soundwave.

Scansers: Soundwave. Do you know where Lord Megatron is?

Soundwave: yes he is in his quarters.

Scansers: thanks. I actually need to talk to him. It is important, and it can't wait.

Scansers immediately left the bridge, and went to Lord Megatron's quarters. He reached the quarters, and was going to knock, but the doors opened, and he saw Megatron right in front of him.

Megatron: Scansers. What brings you here to see me.

Daikon; hi uncle Scansers. By Megsy. Thank you for helping me. I am going to speak to my mom, and father about this.

Megatron: your welcome Daikon. Anytime. Next time tell me if this happens again. And please do tell your mother, and father. Bye Daikon.

After watching Daikon leave he turned his attention to Scansers.

Megatron: So what brings you here?

Scansers: my Lord. I have received a message. And it is not good. I need to say this. But I received the information from my father.

Megatron: wait. Before he could answer Scansers explained everything to Megatron

Scansers: but wait there's more. My father was saying he knows about Daikon, but is promising to not harm him. He said that Daikon is in danger by someone named Unicorn. He said that you know him.

Megatron looked at Scansers.

Megatron: yes I. Aargh.

Scansers saw Megatron put his servos on his head, and didn't know what was going on.

Scansers: my Lord. Are you okay?

After asking him. Megatron spoke, but his voice was different.

Megatron: he will be mine.. he will be greater. He is the

Scansers: he is the what. Who are you?

Megatron: You know who I am. I am the destroyer. I am UNICORN.

Scansers: no I don't know who you are.

Megatron immediately fell to the floor.

Megatron: uhh. Scansers. What happened?

Scansers: my Lord. I just spoke to him. Unicorn.

Megatron: impossible.

Comm link Megatron: Soundwave

Comm link Soundwave: yes my Lord.

Comm link Megatron: met me in my quarters now. It is urgent.

Comm link Soundwave: understood my Lord. I am on my way.

When Megatron ended the call. After he ended the call a bridge opened up in his room, and Soundwave stepped out from inside it.

Megatron: Soundwave I need the Decepticon army to keep an eye on me.

Soundwave: understood my Lord. But may I ask, but why.

Megatron: Scansers just told me that he spoke directly to Unicorn from me. I don't know how that is possible. But as we know Daikon is in grave danger.

Soundwave: Scansers what did Unicorn say when he was controlling Megatron.

Scansers: he said he will be mine. He will be greater, but that's all he said.

Soundwave: But what does Unicorn want with Daikon? He is just a child

Megatron: don't know but you'll never know. Excuse me, I need to visit Knockout.

Megatron excused himself, and went directly to Knockout.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 3Where stories live. Discover now