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The Next Morning:

It was morning as usual, and Soundwave just got a quick drink, and went back to work. When he got to the bridge the doors opened, and he just stared, and noticed Megatron, and Daikon completely fast asleep he smiled, and chuckled. And he went to carry on his work.

When he was typing, and still decoding the relics when he heard Lord Megatron finally waking up.

Soundwave: my Lord. Shh. Look down.

Megatron looked down, and smiled. He immediately saw Daikon fast asleep on his lap.

Megatron: I knew something was different about him. He said.

Megatron bent down and nuzzled Daikon on the helm to wake him up.

Daikon was starting to stir, but wouldn't wake up.

Megatron had an idea come to his mind.

Megatron quickly tickled him, and Daikon was giggling, and laughing.

Daikon giggled.

Daikon: Okay okay I'm up. Wait. Megsy.

Megatron smiled at Daikon.

Megatron: Good morning Daikon.

Daikon: Megsy. Daikon quickly threw his tiny servos around Megatron's neck, and gave him a big hug.

Megatron: humph. Take it easy, Daikon. He said, giving him a hug back.

Daikon: Are you okay Megsy? It feels like this is my fault.

Megatron: No, this isn't your fault. These things happen. But not all the time.

Megatron was thinking he is probably old enough to pick his own alt mode. When he was thinking he heard the doors open. Shockwave had just walked into Megatron's, and Daikon's conversation.

Daikon: father. What are you doing here?

Shockwave: well your mother is busy at the moment, but we were both thinking since you are at the age we think it is time for you to pick your very own alt mode.

Daikon: really.

Shockwave laughed:

Shockwave: yes son. We know you like jets, and we know that you would love to fly.

Daikon: I have always wanted to be a jet. But I don't know where to start. Dad, how did you know what to pick?

Shockwave: uhh. To be honest I really don't remember.

Daikon: Well, is there a way I can have the same version as mom's, and Megsy.

Megatron immediately stared at Shockwave.

Shockwave: hmm. I think me, and your mother can think of something since we are scientists after all.

Daikon: ya.

Shockwave went to his lab, and started working on the prints. And Marcy also helped with it too.

Shockwave: there I think it's done. Daikon, please come here for a moment.

Daikon: Coming daddy.

Shockwave: what do you think son.

Daikon: I love it. It almost really looks like Megsy, and mom alt mode. But I really don't want to upset you mom, but I really like Megsy alt mode.

Marcy: That's okay. If you don't want this design why don't you go, and ask Megatron to see if you can scan his alt mode.

Daikon: how.

Shockwave: come. Follow me.

Daikon followed his dad, and they made it to the bridge where Megatron was at.

Daikon: Megsy

Megatron: Uh. Yes, Daikon.

Daikon: is it okay if I scan your alt mode?

Megatron froze, and looked at Daikon

Megatron: I thought you wanted the version of your mom's, and mine.

Daikon: yeah I did. But I explained it to Mom that I prefer yours. I like yours better.

Megatron didn't know what to say.

Megatron: ok. Let's head up to the flight deck.

They all made it to the flight deck everyone was waiting, and watching for little Daikon to change into his first ever alt mode.

Megatron transformed into his alt mode. And Shockwave explained to Daikon how to scan vehicles. Daikon watched, and heard everything that he had said. Before Daikon knew it he scanned Megatron's alt mode. And right in front of everyone's eyes. Daikon transformed into his very own first alt mode. Before everyone knew it Daikon took off enjoying the view, and his new alt mode. He finally made it to landing.

Daikon: daddy, mommy, Megsy. I did it. See.

Shockwave: well done son I knew you could do it.

Marcy: I am so proud of you Daikon.

Megatron transformed back into his bot form, and was very happy that Daikon had picked his very own alt mode. He really didn't care what form he chose, but he really wanted to know why Daikon only chose Megatron's alt mode. But he didn't want to question it because he knew that Daikon was happy, and that's what everyone wanted for Daikon to be happy.

Everyone on the ship decided to celebrate, and give a party to Daikon for choosing his very own alt mode. Daikon was so excited because he gets to fly like his mother, and Megsy. When everyone left, and the party was over Daikon wanted to spend some time alone.

Daikon decided to walk to his favorite spot where he could be alone. Daikon was sitting, and thinking until he felt something. He didn't like the feeling, but he heard a voice that struck him to the very core.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 3Where stories live. Discover now