SEQUEL - Chapter 34

Start from the beginning

I know you might not want to hear that, but sometimes love isn't enough and if you ever reach the point where you have to decide if it's you or him who burns, do not hesitate to let him burn. This is about you, and it always will be, your children will carry the name Lauda and no matter with whom you will spend the rest of your life, you will always be the bigger shot. Don't allow anyone to make you believe that's a bad thing, it's what protects you. Your name, your legacy. Be clever about it and you are untouchable, because Johanna... "

"Miss Lauda." Adrian suddenly spoke up causing Joanna to lower her father's diary before looking up to meet his gaze. Her expression schooled into a neutral one.

"With Mr Verstappen at the race in Hungary, I thought you might want to see this right away." The older Austrian spoke before handing Joanna a tablet, a news article opened. The headline alone caused Joanna to close her eyes for a moment, before pinching the bridge of her nose.

'A little sister for the Lauda child. Kelly Piquet with sweet baby news.'

"I have calls from a few media companies, that want to know what we will do," Adrian spoke up, while Joanna took a deep breath so she wouldn't throw the tablet against the wall. As if she had nothing else to take care of, no Kelly had to play her cards now, as long as people still remembered who she even is.

"By now one would think she had learned when to shut up," Joanna muttered to herself, before scrolling through the article. Well, she had expected Kelly to hit back after the interview which the fans too rather well, other than the Piquet family or Max's father, but that was a whole other story.

"Are we to give a statement?" Adrian wanted to know, which caused Joanna to scroll through the comments. Kelly had brought that onto herself, the hate she was receiving was in twisted love for Joanna mostly, but at this point, the Austrian didn't care. She could have offered Kelly her hand and showed their face in public together but she had enough of her once and for all.

Kelly wanted to play a game? Fine. Joanna would play, but she would play like a real Lauda and not even the Piquet family knew what was coming for them, they never managed to really anger a Lauda before. Now things were different. This meant war. She should have just shut up as long as she still could.

"Yes, the official statement will be that she's lying. Make sure that Max gets the memo that he is to say that and only that. He will only have to get through Hungary with this rumour over his head. Nobody will think about this issue once the summer break starts." Joanna said before handing the tablet back and resting her hand on her belly for a moment as a sharp kick reminded her why she had been resting against the back of the couch in the first place.

"Contact her and tell her she is to come to Austria. I want to have a chat." The older Austrian watched her with a worried expression for a long moment.

"What if she refuses?" He wanted to know, which caused Joanna to smirk.

"She won't," Joanna said, her hand reaching towards Adrian, which caused the older Austrian to step over and help the Lady of the House up from the floor, the book she had been holding still in her hand. Adrian recognised the journal right away as one of Niki's diaries.

"I'm the most powerful member of the FIA council in her eyes, this is her asking to be invited on royal ground. She wants attention, but she won't like the kind of attention this will bring her." Adrian nodded, before leaving Joanna to what she was doing again. Her father's diary was still in her hands.

At a certain point in her life, Joanna thought she had seen it all. That there was nothing which could come her way that she wasn't prepared for or able to handle. There was always a plan, a strategy. She was a Lauda after all, and Laudas do not lose due to being unprepared. She was known for her intelligent eyes, for her bright mind, and her way with words, just like her father before her.

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