"You can't die on me! I'll be all alone with the emo bird again," Dark shadow squawked, pulling a laugh out from Denki and making Fumikage roll his eyes. The raven headed teen looked up to Mezo, keeping his usual stoic composure.

"Best of luck to you my friend," Fumikage said. 

"And too the both of you," Mezo responded, looking back and fourth between Denki and Fumikage. The plane then started to rattle and a loud scream of metal sounded from the door. The three looked towards and watched all of the heroes getting ready to jump out. Mezo turned back and waved his large web of an arm at Denki, Fumikage and Dark shadow before moving over to Gang Orca.

Gang Orca looked down at his intern, his face hardly containing emotion other than anger. But it was hard for him not to, it was his default from looking like a killer whale.

"When we get down there, stay near me. I don't want Hope on my back for his student being dead," Gang Orca spoke.

"Understood," Mezo replied. The doors to the plane angrily shook and slowly they lowered down. Wind leaked into the plane and the noise it created from both the speed of the plane and the turbine caused the area in the craft to almost deafen. Fumikage and Denki looked at each other and quickly checked that they in fact could still hear. 

Mezo couldn't see as he stood behind a lot of the other heroes. He was tall but his height didn't greatly surpass the other fully grown adults. Especially Gang Orca who stood higher than everyone else. Mezo formed an eye over his fleshy bud and extended his sightful appendage to view the area below. 

They were flying over a large forest, the aircraft screaming with noise that the people below would have surely heard them at this point. The focal area and obviously different tone in the forest was the enormous mansion beaming with bright lights. The house honestly looked like it was from a film, and it confused Mezo on how the hero commission had no clue this place had existed. Even with the use of quirks, there was no chance this mansion hadn't taken at least six months to be constructed. 

"Alright men, find your dropping partner if you can't survive the fall! We breach the front and raid from there. Restraining them is advised and prioritised but you can judge if lethal force is needed," a high-ranking hero ordered to the rest of the heroes. Gang Orca smirked, he looked over to Mezo and nudged the large teen. Mezo turned and nodded his head to the hero, recognising the sign of Gang Orca ensuring that Mezo can land on his own. He then turned to a man next to him who was wearing a costume not to dissimilar from Gang Orca.

"Riptide, let's go!" Gang Orca shouts. The man he was talking to is a sidekick of the number twelve hero. His quirk allows him to manipulate the water from inside his body and around him to act like a whirlpool.

From the leading hero, he announced that they were dropping, now. One by one, the heroes jumped out, some latching onto another for dear life. Gang Orca and Riptide jumped out at the same time with Mezo following behind them. Mezo spread his webbed arms out as he dived down to the ground, his speed quickly increasing.

Mezo was about to slam into the ground in roughly three seconds. He moved his body to be parallel to the ground his speed reduced exponentially as his arms created drag. He soared down a bit slower than everybody else, but he still moved behind them. Gang Orca and Riptide were about to crash into the ground, suddenly water rushed around them, spouting from Riptides water packs and circled them like a tornado.

The momentum of them suddenly dropped to zero as the two heroes' feet dangled a few centimetres above the ground. Riptide must have a lot of practice with that technique. 

The two charged the mansion, shouting with their fellow heroes as they started destroying the front of the house for a clear way in. Mezo swooped in next to Gang Orca and Riptide and rushed in with them, wrapping his flappy skin around his main arm to give him an extremely bulky look, not that he didn't have that before.

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