“Why do you need to go to the mall?” I asked.

“I don’t know just I just want to, you can get some new clothes if you want. Them jeans make your butt look good” He winked. I giggled and blushed, but kept driving to the mall. Finally we got there and hopped out into the rain that was letting up.

“Where to first?” I asked.

“American Eagle, to get some more jeans.” He said tugging me to the store. I got a lot of shirts. I loved these shirts. Niall got 7 pairs of jeans, along with getting me 4 pairs of shorts. He paid for them with me protesting.

“Strawberry!” I yelled going in there. Niall laughed and followed. I picked out some yoga pants and some shirts that I really liked. I paid for these and we walked down the mall some more.

“Hmmm, Hollister?” He asked. I nodded and we walked in.

”Ohh! I like this bikini! I said holding up a pink flower print bikini. I picked it out and got a blue one too.

“I like these shorts!” I said picking up high rise denim blue shorts. I carried them around with me.

“What about this dress?” Niall asked holding up a white dress with some lace.

“I love that!” I said. I looked at the price and huffed.

“Illbuy it if you like it”Niall said getting size 0. I smiled and thanked him.

Ready to go to Victoria Secret?” I asked once we paid for everything.

“ You can go there, I’m getting some new shoes.” He said. I smiled and went into Victoria Secret.

I picked out matching bras and underwear and paid for them.

I went toBathand Body works and got some new perfume.

“Hey babe!” Niall said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.

“Let me see your shoes I said turning around.” Niall smiled and pulled out some purple high tops.

“Purple?” I asked confused.

” I got them for you.” He smiled kissing my cheek.

“Niall you didn’t have to!” I said.

“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.” He smiled.

“Thanks Niall, I love you.” I said as we walked to the car.

“Let me have all the bags.” I said taking them from his hand. I put them in the back and got in.

“ You hungry?” I asked.

“Yeah . But can you cook me something, you’re a good cook!” he smiled. I nodded and went to the store.

“Niall wanna go in with me or stay here?” I asked as I cut the ignition off.

“I think I’ll stay, my arm hurts.” He said smiling.

“Ok, I’ll be 10 minutes!” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek, grabbing my purse and phone going in.

I picked out some hamburger a bunch cause Niall eats a lot and theres 6 more people. I went back and got some brown gravy and potatoes. I went over to the balloons and grabbed a heart shaped one.

“ Excuse me, are you Melody, Niall Horans girlfriend?” someone said tapping me on the shoulder.

“Yeah, I am.” I smiled.

“I’m Nate. And just wanted to say that you two are the cutest together, and I really love Niall and the other guys. I’m a huge fan of One Direction.” He smiled.

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