"You look beautiful." He tells me and I smile.

"Thank you." I say.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks and I just nod.

"Only very very lightly and don't ruin my makeup." I tell him and he lets out a soft laugh before placing a soft kiss to my lips.

You wouldn't guess we're arguing right now. We haven't had sex in days since Gio has been sleeping in the guest room at home. He's put a serious amount of space between us because of the last time we had sex. He's so angry about it that he can hardly look at me.

I can't help it, I haven't dissociated in a long time. And when I do it's not something I realise I'm doing to stop it.

"I like your suit. Is it new?" I ask and he nods.

"Jax sent us all out a text in the group chat telling us to buy new suits otherwise we weren't coming. I couldn't let you come alone and not coming at all wasn't an option." He squeezes my hand.

He knows I love these things. I love a good excuse to dress up and dance.

"Dance with me?" He asks and I nod. Always.

Gio was never a big dancer.

I put my arms around his neck and his fall around my waist. When I was younger I taught myself every single type of dance. So I can ballroom dance, Gio is just so awful at it. I don't mind swaying with him though.

I stare up at him for the whole song. I like looking at him.

We'll get through this.

Gio moves his arms to hold my hands.

"Give the dress a twirl." He tells me before spinning me around.

This man is the love of my life.

"Ah." He smiles as I turn back to face him.

"10 out of 10." He pulls me back into him.

I wrap my arms around him as he hugs me and I really don't want to cry but everything inside of me is broken at the moment and this time he can't fix it.

He leans down and kisses just below my ear.

"You're so strong." He whispers before pulling back. I'm going to cry.

I look up at the ceiling and blink back tears before taking a deep breath.

He takes my hand, kisses it and leads us around to start talking to people which is so boring.

He keeps one hand on my lower back as I sip my champagne and just sigh. This is boring.

"I'm going to go over and see them." I say noticing Matteo and Rosie.

"Okay." He kisses my cheek and let's me go over to them.

I was too focused on Rosie to notice the amount of guys around us, eyes circling in on us.

"Yes!" I clap my hands as Rosie finally gets the dance moves I've been teaching her.

I look behind her to see a guy touching her. Absolutely not happening today. Fuck no.

"Get off of her." I tell him as Rosie comes to my side. My protective instincts push her slightly behind me. If this guy wants to get to her he'll have to go through me.

"You can't just go around touching women, she doesn't want you to touch her." I tell him rolling my eyes.

Men can be such pigs.

"Men like you are scrumbags." I tell him in disgust. He's disgusting.

"I know Mrs Ricci." He says and I hold an eye roll. If he knew Rosie he would know she is not in fact Mrs Ricci but Miss Carlson.

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