Chapter 5: Silence can be deafening.

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Mic slowly opened her eyes, she groggily peered around the room. It was dark... with concrete walls. She lifted her head up. And rubbed the side of it. It had a slight dent. She was extremely confused. To say the least.

"P-Paintbrush...! She's waking up!" Lightbulb whispered. Tugging on Paintbrush's shoulder.

"I can see that... Mic! Are you okay?!" Paintbrush stood. Helping Mic sit up straight.

"I—I... Aggghh..." Mic was really out of it. Her head hurt like hell. It all happened so fast... She couldn't quite comprehend what happened back there...

"Looks like she gotcha too huh...?" Paintbrush stated. Which Mic knew exactly what they were talking about immediately.

"It seems so..." She said coldly. Not wanting to admit defeat, but, that was inevitable at this point. After all, Test Tube is smarter then all three of them combined. What else was she supposed to say?

"You're lucky..." Paintbrush mumbled, as they crossed their arms and stood. "She hasn't put the stupid bracelet on you yet." Paintbrush rolled their eyes. Clearly annoyed— No, PISSED with the situation.

Mic stood. Slightly dusting herself off, feeling just a little bit light headed. "What do you mean—?" She asked, her voice unsure, and slightly shaky.

"This?" Paintbrush lifter their arm showing Mic their bracelet. "It shocks us, but to MENTION it constantly FUCKING HURTS." They stated, getting more annoyed.

"What...?!" Mic loomed worriedly at them both. Mic had been slightly panicking at this point. "What has she been doing to you guys— wait... Where is...?!" Mic stood glancing around the room. She wasn't here... Where is Taco?

"Where is who...? Did Test Tube kidnap someone else?!" Paintbrush asked, getting more ticked off by the second.

"W—what?! At least not WITH me! Jeez..." Mic panicked, as she put her arms up in defence. Or at least in a slightly defensive position.

"Huh?" Lightbulb was confused. "What d—do you mean...?" She slightly tilted her 'head'.

"T— er... Someone was kidnapped before me. Someone I... I cared about..." Mic mumbled, she looked down at the floor, hoping they wouldn't ask...

"Cared? What do you mean 'Cared'?!" Paintbrush asked confused. Still ticked, but confused.

Mic flinched at that dreaded question. Of course... the ONE thing she didn't want them to ask about... "Oh... Just an... Old friend..." Now she prayed they wouldn't ask 'who'.

"Oh...? Wh—?" Paintbrush was cut off by Test Tube opening the door. They flinched, but immediately fixed their posture to seem threatening. "Oh... you..." they clenched their fists.

"I need M-4." Test Tube pointed at Mic and gestured for her to go towards her.

"M-4???" Mic asked, as she pointed at herself. She looked at the two for an explanation.

"They're the stupid lab names she gives us... Probably to 'dehumanize' us... Were not exactly people. But I don't really know the word for... Well... in the sense of us objects." Paintbrush looked at them both to only be met with confused looks on both of their faces. Test Tube seemed to be slightly nodding though.

"Stop sounding so nerdy..." Mic rolled her eyes slightly and began to stand.

"E—exCUSE you?!" Paintbrush fumed, beginning to spark. But stopping when they got a death glare from Test Tube.

"I was just saying... You make yourself sound like her." Mic began to curse Test Tube under her breath as she walked towards her. She also noticed Test Tube had the bracelet in her pocket. Mic sighed. "J—Just put the damn thing on..." she asked, defeated.

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