Chapter 8: Even One Second Can Be Too Late.

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There is violence/torture also mentioning topics of life saving machines and things similar. in this chapter as well. If you're sensitive to these topics, please read at your own risk. There will definitely be more in the future.


Balloon had been walking down the hallway next to suitcase. They had been talking and chatting about the different things going on around the hotel. Balloon and suitcase were tasked with getting OJ and Paper downstairs for breakfast.

Suitcase stopped as she looked at the door to OJ's room at the end of the hall. "Is that door... Opened...?" Suitcase pondered, she wandered closer to the door.

Balloon stopped and watched Suitcase approach the door. "U—uhh... Suitcase?" Balloon cautiously followed her.

"OJ Never leaves his room open!" Suitcase mumbled, turning her 'head' to face balloon. She seemed worried.

"It's probably nothing...! OJ!!!" Balloon called out, as he walked ahead of Suitcase. Balloon pushed the door all the way open. "OJ! Paper! Come down stairs for breakf— H—Huh...?" Balloon stammered, confused. The room was empty. And... A bit of a mess.

"Wh—what is it?!" Suitcase asked, she shakily walked towards balloon and froze. "Huhhh??" Now Suitcase was also confused.

"To be honest, I was expecting to be YELLED at, more then THIS." Balloon pointed out. He watched as Suitcase slightly nodded.

"I... Think there's a note...?" Suitcase mumbled as she mindlessly walked inside.

Balloon made an audible gasp. "S—Suitcase! That's invasion of privacy!" Balloon shouted worriedly. "We will get in trouble! I don't wanna be kicked out!!!" Balloon panicked.

Suitcase was worried too, but... she really wanted to see what it said. She looked on the bedside cabinet and read the note. "O—oh. He's on vacation. With Paper...!" Suitcase mumbled. "We were supposed to find it!" Suitcase smiled in relief.

"Vacation...?" Balloon mumbled as he cautiously stepped into the room. "But... OJ would never leave without at LEAST Making his bed—Let alone a mess like this...!" Balloon commented. He pointed at the beds.

Suitcase looked at each of the bed too. Paper's bed seems messy, but almost as if he never left it... and OJ's bed is a mess, the blanket looked like he had shoved it off in a fit of rage and one of the pillows was on the floor next to it. There also appears to be some spilled orange juice everywhere.

"Maybe he was in a hurry...?" Suitcase mumbled. She looked concerned. This was weird...

"Mmh... Maybe..." Balloon walked up to the boy and took it off the cabinet table, she then turned and strolled out of the room. "We should show this to the others...!" Balloon stated

Suitcase nodded and walked out of the room with Balloon. "Why do you think they would go on holiday when Paintbrush, Lightbulb, and Mic are missing?" Suitcase asked.

"Mic isn't missing, Fan said he saw Mic talking with Test Tube last night! So she's okay. Apparently he was on a walk or something." Balloon mentioned.

"So she's not gone? That's relief. But... That's still two objects missing! It's been three days since the first disappearance— Do you think their coming back?! What if they died?!" Suitcase shivered just thinking about it.

"No! They couldn't have died. Mephone would've recovered them. Besides, It's not like he would just keep them dead or lost. Lightbulb is in the final four, AND he's getting sued as we speak! 'Child endangerment', or something like that." Balloon reasoned, he had been trying to calm Suitcase down.

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