Chapter 1: What we've lost.

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The forest was dark and cold as the sun dipped below the horizon. Barely enough light to see, and one could even see their own breath. If there was enough light. It wasn't quite frigid, however it was uncomfortable cold. Especially if you don't have a source of heat, or a jacket. Like Taco.

She was sitting on the stump. Seemingly frustrated at the cold. She rubbed the side of her arms, she was trying not to shiver. But something like that was inevitable. She groaned in frustration, before attempting at making a fire.

Piling up a couple sticks, before she grabbed one and placing it straight up and down on the largest stick in the pile. The placing her two hands beside each other with the stick in between and made it spin really quickly, trying to create enough friction to generate heat, or even better. A spark. It took a few tries, but eventually the wood started to smoke, she blew at the smoking piece of wood, and it began to flare up into a fire. Thank god...

She sighed and leaned back on the stump. "God... it's so fucking annoying..." she spoke in a low tone of voice, clearly frustrated, uncomfortable, and upset. She looked to the side at Mic's Diary. She had left it here, even after thier fight. Mic didn't bother to take it back. Taco sighed, and looked back towards the fire. She couldn't help but feel terrible. She finally managed to make a friend, and she messed it up. How could she do that? She felt like an idiot, before lightly hitting herself in the head. No, she can't think like that. She couldn't AFFORD to think like that. After all, there's a new 'kill on sight rule' after OJ spotted her near the hotel. And Mephone deleted Taco from the revival logs a WHILE ago. If she were to keep thinking like this, she could be killed.

But she couldn't help but think about it. How she believed Mic hated her now, maybe she should try talking to her? No... this fire is risky enough as is. If she were to actually attempt to sneak into hotel OJ? It's like asking to be killed. She's done it before. But she had Mic to back her up then. Now, she was certain everyone wanted her dead.

"I... ugh... I can't believe this... I'm stuck in this DAMN BLOODY STUPID FOREST! with NOTHING! UGH!" Taco stood up with frustration, and kicked a pebble across the ground. It hit the tree making a small tap as it hit the ground below. "I shouldn't have been so RECKLESS! I—." Taco cuts herself off before quieting down. "I shouldn't have pushed her that far... Ugh! I'm so horrible..." She mumbled, placing both her hands over her eyes, sitting back down.

Taco hadn't noticed this, but not to far away Mic was watching. She was quiet as to not alert Taco of her presence, because she was a bit jumpy, and still had her gun... Mic didn't really want to be shot. I mean, who DOES? However she is still mad at Taco, but wants to talk with her again. She nearly takes a step forward, but decides against this. She's not ready to stop being mad yet. Though, she does feel bad too. Especially because Taco ACTUALLY did want to be better. Mic could tell, Taco felt horrible for what she did. And for what it's worth, Mic also kind of missed talking with her.

However, it was getting late. Mic needed to get back, and that she did. Creeping away before running back to the hotel. Though she stopped running about the half way mark, and placed her hands inside the pockets of the sweater she was wearing. She mumbled things to herself. "Why did I even have to go there in the first place...? Now I just feel even worse... Ugh..." Mic was walking rather slowly now. Being a safe distance away to have a valid excuse for being outside. At least, a safe distance away that there's no possible way for Taco to be drawn into this.

There was enough light here to see. It was about sunset, so the forest was dark, but the open field and the path through it wasn't. She shuffled closer to the hotel, it was now in view. But she also saw Lightbulb rush out, and run behind the building. Mic was curious to what she was doing, but didn't want to investigate herself. She wasn't that kind of person.

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