Chapter 9: Keep Your Composure.

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Mic walked into the room. The room Test Tube had made for her was almost all white, except for the books on a shelf, they seemed to be first aid and medical books... the room was heavily padded, and the light was a blue-ish white colour and was VERY bright, luckily there was a switch to turn it off, but Mic didn't bother to touch it.

There was a bed in the corner of the room, it was relatively large, but the blanket on it was really thin. And this room was really cold for some reason... This could get annoying. There was a small sink in the room as well, along with a few plastic cups. Mic assumed it was so she had easy access to drinkable water. Other then that there was a desk with a few mechanical pencils and lined pieces of paper. This room was much more lively then the concrete one she was in before.

Mic had a difficult time walking on the padded ground at first, but it was still pretty firm, so she kept her balance. Taco could still probably shatter on this ground if she wasn't careful. Mic looked down at Taco, and sighed. "This is all my fault..." Mic mumbled to herself as she stumbled over to the bed. She carefully placed Taco on the bed, and then sat on the floor.

Mic started to wait for Taco to wake up. She started to get bored with nobody to talk to... Being down there was horrible. Mic contemplated getting up to grab a book, but decided against this as she heard a sound from the bed. It seemed Taco had started to wake up. But... She was definitely in pain. As she woke up, her noises of pain and discomfort grew worse, and, Mic could understand why... She DID just almost die.

Mic shot up and looked down at the smaller object who was almost screaming in pain on the bed.

"AAAGH! OW— FUCK!!! WH—WHAT HAPPENED?!" Taco yelled loudly, but, not to Mic. She hadn't noticed Mic was there.

"T—TACO! You're okay!" Mic smiled gleefully, but it faded back into a frown when she noticed Taco hadn't noticed her still. Mic tried to carefully grab her arm.

Taco jumped and started to try and fight to get away. "NONONO—! G—GET OFF!" Taco screamed.

"T—Taco! Calm down...! It's me." Mic said softly, as she tried to calm Taco down.

"I— WH— wha... Mic...?" Taco mumbled, as she shakily looked up at Mic, as soon as Taco saw it was her she sighed and and eased up. "Holy shit... AGH! Ow... ahem, fuck, I'm sorry... I th—thought you were Te—Test Tube." Taco winced as waves of pain wash over her every few seconds.

"N—no! No need to apologize... I understand." Mic let go of her arm and shuffled away from her a bit. Happy to know she was okay.

Taco shakily tried to stand. "Th—thanks—..."

"W—WAIT! No! You aren't stable Taco—! Y—you cant stand!" Mic grabbed her, Taco winced at the contact. "S—sorry..." Mic said as she gently pulled her back down, so she wouldn't fall or hurt herself.

"I—Mic! I can STAND." Taco mumbled coldly, slightly annoyed. "Im am NOT weak! I can do it—!"

"No you can't! You could hurt yourself!" Mic warned, she had started to get concerned that Taco was going to hurt herself by accident.

"BUT—!" Taco started.

"Shh. You're not standing, and you're sure as hell not going anywhere. And that's final." Mic stated. Clearly dead set on Taco staying seated.

Taco sighed. "F—fine..." she mumbled. She was usually pretty stubborn but she's in too much pain to fight with Mic right now. Taco paused. She wanted to bring something up... But, she had started to get nervous... "Mic... When I was dying..."

Mic froze. Oh no... Did Taco hate her for being too slow and nearly killed her?! "I—uh... hm? What a-about it...?"

"Why did... Y—you save me?" Taco asked bluntly. She looked troubled by this question. "D-don't you ha-hate me...?" She asked, as she looked up at the taller object.

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