Chapter 12: Something is Wrong...

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Mephone had been sitting in OJ's office for a few hours. He's been avoiding contacting the police for about a week now... He knew that as soon is a case is filed he'll be asked questions, have to do investigations, Have safety inspections... Which wasn't exactly what he wanted to deal with considering he'd be sued or put in prison for child endangerment and other such.

Mephone also couldn't exactly explain he can revive people openly to the public. Or... he would be in trouble, maybe even forced into the military, or worse! Taken apart. He shivered at the thought. He also really didn't want to be charged with Bow's death. Not that her parents even knew she died since her parents abandoned her shortly before she joined the competition... But that's a hassle he wanted to avoid.

To search for the missing contestants he has Fan quietly searching around the media. Because for some reason fan can locate nearly everyone he finds on that thing... And people who were actively searching the island, which was: Knife, Pickle, Baseball, Nickel, Bomb, Trophy, and Tissues, though Tissues spent most of his time in the hotel medical room.

Mephone was kind of worried... He felt bad for letting this happen. And was scared that cobs got to them. But... They also could've just left the island, or possibly got lost in the forest. It wasn't unlikely.

Kidnapping was... Not really on the top of his list, since so many other practical things could have happened to them... There was even one time where Lightbulb had gotten stuck in a cave after stealing some of Knife's alcohol, but she found her way back before...

Mephone was also extremely pissed that OJ, and Paper ditched them to go on vacation while they have a crisis on their hands. Who was supposed to pay the power bills?! Wait... Power bills...? How the fuck was OJ paying that? He's not earning any money from the hotel... and he never left it too.

Mephone stood up from the desk and walked over to OJ's safe. He knew the cod because he was snooping through the security footage earlier. He opened the safe and looked inside. There was... a gun...? Uh... okay... Not really any money... But there was a bunch of documents. Strange, they don't look anything like the competition documents. But they look a lot like information about the people living in the hotel...? That was really weird... and creepy.

Mephone picked them up and shut the safe. He was going to take a look at them but suddenly someone opened the office door.

It was Soap.

"Mephone?" Soap called as she stepped through the door and shut it with a quiet click behind her.

"Ugh... Yes Soap?" Mephone groaned as he sat back in the seat and placed the documents in his lap.

"Microphone was acting really weird and then just... Disappeared again! I'm worried about her..." Soap mumbled as shuffled up to the desk.

"I'm sure she's fine. Test Tube is probably just lecturing her constantly about how she killed her and took Fan while they work on whatever the fuck in Gatorade Bitch's lab." Mephone assured lazily, occasionally glancing at the desk with the messy collection of papers on it.

"What if something happened...? I'm just worried about her!" Soap sighed and looked at the window to her right with a pained expression.

"Don't be... if she managed to kill Test Tube before I'm sure she's fine if Test Tube magically decides to go mAd ScIeNtIsT for some stupid reason." Mephone laughed sheepishly as he turned the chair slightly to the side.

"I—... You're right... I'm probably just being Paranoid! Hahah..." Soap rubbed the back of her head in shame and slight embarrassment.

"Maybe... Now leave me alone... I have work to do." Mephone waved his hand in a motion as if to shoo Soap out.

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