Chapter 3: Rather be alone.

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Taco was still asleep. Not noticing how a few objects were growing near as they looked for Lightbulb. One of the nearby voices were cut off as if they saw something. As if they saw her. The bushes began to rustle, Taco jerked awake in response.

"WH—?!" She gasped, nearly falling as she jumped up. She whipped her head around, expecting to see a supposed attacker. But she was shushed instead.

"Sh—shhh! Quiet down! They're gonna hear you!" The worried object stammered. It was paper. Wasn't paper friends with OJ? Surely he wanted her dead too? "Listen... I—I saw you sleeping... And OJ is nearby! I don't 'like' you particularly... but I also don't want you t-to die...! So..."

"You... You came here just to wake me up, and tell me to HIDE? Why? Your friends with OJ." Taco mumbled. Clearly agitated, but also didn't want to die.

"Yeah... B-but... I don't really agree with this whole— 'kill on sight rule'... it just seems kind of cruel." Paper explained.


"PAPER? Did you find anything?!" OJ called from a distance. Paper flinching and spinning around to answer in response.

"N-no! Sorry—! I'm coming!" He shouted back. Then looked back at Taco and gestured for her to hide. Which she did, reluctantly.

Taco sat in the bush. Pretty annoyed with both the situation, and herself. How could she let her guard down?! She nearly just died because of it... ugh. This was terrible. She wonders what would happen if mic were to tell OJ where she was. Maybe she should relocate? No... Taco highly doubted Mic would do that. Though, she should be weary. Just in case.

She was trying to keep quiet and heard footsteps approaching. Taco knew it was OJ. Paper followed slightly behind him. Then, right in front of the bush OJ stopped.

"What the hell...? Why is there ashes here?" OJ thought out loud. Shit! Taco forgot to hide the fire's ashes! "There's no way Lightbulb lit a fire on her own." OJ commented.

Taco peered through the leaves, watching as OJ glanced at Paper. Paper rubbing the back of his 'head' in response. "She could've...? I mean. Who else could've made it—."

"WELL I DON'T KNOW. It's not like WE JUST saw her near the hotel!" OJ raised his voice. Sounding angry and frustrated. He kicked the ashes, and crossed his arms. Taco knew that OJ was talking about her.

"W-well... I um..." Paper didn't really know how to respond to OJ's outburst. He shifted nervously in the grass. Trying not to make eyes contact with him because he was nervous.

"She's DANGEROUS Paper. We agreed— no everyone agreed. That if we saw her-." OJ started, sounding even more frustrated.

"Yeah... I know..." Paper sighed in defeat. Still not looking at OJ in the eyes. Feeling slightly guilty about practically lying straight to his face.

Taco was slightly shocked. Did he really mean everyone? Did Mic also agree? Well there goes everything Taco previously thought. Maybe she WOULD have to relocate. After all, she doesn't want to be caught.

"Hey... What's this...?" OJ looked to the side. And walked towards something on the ground, picking it up. Oh no... That's...
"Microphone's Diary...? What is THIS doing here?!" OJ fumed. Oh SHIT this was DEFINITELY not good. She also didn't hide that damn book! Now what was she supposed to do?! Mic is going to get in trouble! Probably even give away her position.

"Now calm down OJ, we don't know if it was taken, maybe found...? For all we know this isn't even Taco's Camp—!" Paper tried to reason with Oj, but he didn't listen.

"DID SHE SERIOUSLY LIE? About something THIS important?!" OJ yelled. he then turned to face paper. Not acknowledging what he said.

"I-I..." Paper whimpered. He looked sad now. OJ took notice and sighed. Putting his hand on Paper's shoulder.

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