chap: 143

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Michelle could vividly remember a lot of things from her first pregnancy.

She remembered her undying cravings for hot and spicy foods. She remembered the way she would wake Jimin up in the middle of the night to rub her belly because Uriah wouldn't stop kicking her in the womb. She remembered the milk baths she took to keep her skin up to par , and the constant swellings in her feet from the weight gain and moving around at work.

She remembered how happy she was when she realized she had a baby bump to feel on and show off. She could picture the smile on Jimin's face on the day of their elopement, just the two of them standing before the pastor. Waiting to say 'I do' and start their lives together with their baby boy. She wore a gorgeous, lose white dress with a floral headband she had picked up from a little boutique prior to their arrival at the chapel. He wore his usual attire, earrings in his ears with that damned silver chain and beaded bracelet on his wrist.

Michelle had always wanted to get married and have children. Growing up she had to mask her desire for the life she truly wanted all because of the environment she had grown up in. Michelle Price was a wild card and that was no secret. But deep down, underneath that party girl persona and constant craving for a good time -

There was a girl with bigger dreams.

She had always wanted a man like Jimin. Hard working, strong in every since of the word, charming, smart and amusing. Humble and wise from a past that had shattered his life long before it had even begun.

It surprised her and made her laugh at how she managed to fuck up and end up with someone like Darren. Or a woman like Anesia. Now, she couldn't even look back at her past the same knowing that it took going through them to get to him.

She now lived the life she had always dreamed about having. She had gotten married the minute the thought crossed her mind. The minute she was certain that she was in love.

She had children. A house, her dream job. There were very few things in her life worth complaining about. Worth not being happy about.

February the 16th. In another two months, she was expecting the arrival of her second born.

Michelle's emotions had been up and down for awhile now and she knew that Jimin noticed. Waking up annoyed and complaining about shit only to double back and want to cuddle with her man. It was an endless loop these days.

Michelle felt bad for the person she became anytime she was pregnant. She couldn't control it. Hormones were a bitch and they were tiring for even she herself to put up with.

"We don't have a back porch." Michelle mumbled, bringing her cup of coffee up to her lips for a sip.

The new house was now fully decorated. New furniture, a new smell, a new scenery. Michelle was satisfied with the purchase. It was spacious and fit her exact image of what her dream home would look like.

The only thing she didn't like was not having a back porch. She didn't mean to be so picky. But it didn't satisfy her. To just step outside and be right in the grass. It would be nice to have a patio. A pool even. Even if it wasn't built into the ground.

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