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South was fuming on the way home, or what will be a pile of bodies and shattered glass buildings.

When the two brothers were in the plane, they had talked about strategy. Obviously, they needed to get North's territory back first. After a couple hours they had arrived in the south.

The soldiers tensed seeing North and South together. By now the public knew, but they were extremely wary of North.

"Don't worry, he is with me." South said, in case the soldiers didn't know.

The ROK soldiers nodded.

North was looking around anxiously, expecting the crowd to come at him again.

South sighed. "North, there is no need to be anxious. This place is under strict security. Countries can be loved, but hated at the same time." He smiled a strained smile, trying to light the mood.

"Okay." North replied, easing his shoulders. Once they got home, he forgot about war for a moment and his mind jumped back to Japan and South.

"So~" He started, then blinked in surprise when a white hand clamped over his mouth in milliseconds.

"Don't." South shot his brother a look. 'If he dares say anything-'

Although South was better in reflex and agility, North was stronger than South in terms of strength. He yanked South's hand off and continued. "I saw you and Japan yesterday. You were really red~" He teased, smirking.

South felt himself heat up at the mention of Japan.

North gasped in excitement. "My little brother has a girlfriend!" He said happily, like a child. "I, as the older brother, will-"

"Shut up!" South whispered quickly, clamping his hand on his brother's mouth again. "And two minutes isn't older. We are twins, dumbass." He muttered, turning his face away to hide his blushing face.

"I have seen this world for 2 minutes longer than you. We aren't birthed so I guess we just kinda poofed when dad was close to collapsing." North shrugged. "I seriously don't know how he was still alive when Japan annexed him. And we were alive too!" His voice was muffled, but countryhuman ears are good enough.

"Anyways, tell me all about Japan! I still don't like her much. It takes a while to genuinely forgive." North said. "Is she good for you? Is she good at fighting? Is she nice? How long have you known her? How did you even fix relations? How-"

"Okay okay okay North enough!" South said, covering his ears and red as a tomato.

"Fuck! Why does my flag have to be so white." He groaned.

"Tell me!" North pestered.

"You know we don't have time for this right now right? We have to get ready for an invasion of your land." South reminded him.

North suddenly stopped. "Oh. Right." A sudden thought popped in his head. "You won't harm my provinces and cities won't you?" He asked worriedly.

"I promise I won't. Well, what do you think about Pyongyang? He supported your movement of invading me." South asked.

"Pyongyang? I'm not sure. He's a handful, but I think that we should just keep an extra eye on him. If he wants to join the communists, then so be it." North replied.

South nodded. "Okay. I suspect that Soviet will start attacks in a couple of days. Right now I don't think he is very prepared for an invasion from the south, rather he is preparing for one from the west since America is there. I'll talk to my generals." South said.

"I'll come with you." North said.

"Really?" South asked in surprise. "I thought you didn't want people seeing you much."

"It's my land, not his. Im not hiding in the south forever, am I?" North asked.

South nodded. "True. Come on, we need to speak to them now." South said urgently.

Despite arriving there just five minutes ago, they sprint off towards the highest ranking general's office, hoping to invade as soon as possible.


"So, you want me to plan a counter invasion towards the North the take control of DPRK's territory, sir?" The general asked.

"There is no need for you to plan it, as I have already done so with my brother. I'll explain the plan to you." South answered, walking over to the map of the peninsula.

"Station the troops here, near the west forest. Make sure to try and track down any minefields to avoid death before the fighting." He said, pointing to the area.

"Place about 10,000 soldiers there. South Jeolla will take care of the rest. We need to create a diversion, so fire some artillery directly into the border, so that Soviet will station his troops there to fight back. In the meantime, the 10,000 soldiers in the west where the forest is will enter the North, meeting with 50,000 others from the east, circling the red army division and capturing it. It should get easier from there." South explained to the general, who was ferociously taking notes.

"I myself will accompany my brother, where we will both fight." North said.

The general looked at him with a raised eyebrow, clearly suspicious, but didn't say anything when South looked at him like 'Don't.'

The general sighed. "Sir, I feel like you are putting too much of a burden on yourself. It's okay to allow us humans to handle some work sometimes. Putting yourself on the battlefield is also a very dangerous part of war since you may get killed. If you do, the country will collapse."

"I know the most about countries, so it's only necessary for me to handle most of the work. As for putting myself onto the battlefield.. it's a huge advantage for countries with their agility and abnormal strength to be present." South replied to him.

The general didn't say any more, and bowed quietly.

"Is there anything else you wish to say?" He asked.

"For the time I will be gone, please send my apologies to the president for increasing his workload. Other than that, there is nothing more."

The general bowed again. "Good luck, sir. I will send the troops right away."


Hmm I literally have no idea what kind of war structure' I am doing lmfao. I try to take examples from the wars of the past but you see.. there are no countryhumans 🥲

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