Diary Entry

381 9 0

April 18th 2022

It's been a long while since I wrote an entry. Honestly, the last time I wrote one was really long ago, when the armistice was signed.

We never had a peace treaty, and we never formally ended the war. It was just, "paused". Now, the ceasefire has ended and North has attacked me, just like years before.

Now, though, I am much more prepared and the military is strong. But I still worry.

North has one of the two most powerful countries in the world on his side; China and Russia. I have America and the UN with me, so it might be a long while until the war ends. If things escalate, and our allies will need to help, then world war 3 has a 90 percent of chance that it will start.

I worry every day, but I still love my brother.

I truly hope that this can be settled quickly and with minimal casualties. There hasn't been much one-on-one combat, but there have been some bombs dropping over my nation. About a 100 civilians already died..


South found his hand absent-mindedly move to his face. The damage that had been inflicted on his land affected the country himself. There were some burn scars on his face, and he winced every time he touched or looked at them.

He looked outside his window. Luckily his brother doesn't know where he lives, so he won't be able to attack directly where South lived.

He walked over to his mirror. Slowly, he lifted up his shirt and looked at his stomach. There was a deep cut that healed, but never went away.

He had a flashback to when he had his last and final fight with his brother.


They were looking at each other, with murder in their eyes.

They both had numerous injuries all over their body, while North had his eye slashed out by South's knife

North clutched the area where his eye one was.

"You" He spat, voice at a murderous tone. "Are going to pay for that."

He launched himself at South, much like how they did when they were younger. But this time, it wasn't a game.

South dodged his attack, but suddenly stopped short, remembering how North used to do the exact same thing when they were still kids.

While he was lost in his thoughts, North took the chance and launched himself at South once again, pinning him down.

South panicked and strained against North's grasp, but the countryhuman had him firmly pinned onto the ground. Pulling out his knife, he aimed for his chest, and prepared to kill him, once and for all.

But just in time South managed to revert his hand over to his stomach instead of his chest. In result, he ended up getting stabbed on the stomach instead of the chest, saving the heart from internal bleeding.

He screamed as the knife went into his stomach. North growled and right before he was able to stab South again, his allies arrived.

They managed to fight off North, China and USSR while they helped South. Eventually, North and his allies retreated and left all the attention to South.

That day South would've died and lost the war if it wasn't for his allies.


He peered at the scar.

He was so close to dying and was rushed to the hospital. Luckily they were able to save him, but he would have to live with the scar for the rest of his life.

'North has got it worse though.. at least I didn't get my eye slashed out.'

He felt bad, but could do nothing to change the past.

North would certainly try to get revenge for that, but he didn't know much about South now. Despite being right next to each other, they were extremely secretive to each other, which is basically common sense.

But how will he get revenge? Will he try to kill me again? Or will he just make me suffer?

He shook his head, not wanting to think about it.

Seoul, Busan, Incheon, Jeju, Jeju-do, Jeolla, all his provinces and cities live with him now.

"Seoul?" He shouted.

Seoul ran to his room.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"What do you think will happen? You know, me and North if we ever fight.."

Seoul's eyes widened. "Um, I mean, I really hope he doesn't kill you. I didn't like living under North Korea even for a while. It just felt so different and weird."

"You switched sides quite a lot during the first Korean War. What did it feel like?" South pushed further.

Seoul shifted her feet. "I say that's it was really confusing. One day I wake up to being a North Korean territory, then South Korea's, then North, then South. It was just stressful. Not to mention the overwhelming amount of soldiers every time."

She looked at South. "But I will always be part of you. Your like my dad, South. If you're killed, current me will also be." She narrowed her eyes. "I would never willingly join the North Koreans."

South nodded. "Thank you, Seoul. it's reassuring to me."

Seoul smiled at South.

"No problem, 'dad'."

She and South laughed.

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