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South was falling for only about eight or ten seconds when he suddenly landed on a cold, hard surface.

He grunted as he made a hard landing, tumbling into the floor.

He quickly stood up, completely ignoring the bruises that pained him and looked around. He seemed to be in a dimly lit room with two chairs, a desk and pretty much nothing else. It seemed like the only exit was up where he came from, or a door on the far left.

He tried opening it, no luck.

Suddenly, the door sprang open, almost smashing South in the face. A figure closed the door in a blur, grabbed South by the collar and slammed him into the wall.

"Who are you." South said steely.

Only then did the figure remove his mask, revealing North Korea.

South was immediately taken aback. How the hell did he manage to get into his territory without brute force?!

"How nice to meet you brother." North said.

South glared at him. This, was the reason why he always had a weapon in hand, as well as wearing his uniform. Unfortunately, he couldn't get his weapon, having it dropped to the floor after being swung around so abruptly.

"What do you want." South snarled.

"Oh, well it seems you aren't very happy to see me. How insulting." North said, releasing South and dropping him to the floor, crossing his arms.

South felt the tears prick his eyes. "How insulting? HOW INSULTING?!" He screamed at North.

"Now now brother, no one likes someone with a temper." North smirked. "If you tried to spring at me, there are many of my soldiers ready to attack at any moment, behind that door." He pointed.

South wiped his eyes. Crying wasn't going to do anything. "I'll ask you one more time, what do you want." He said.

"Ah, finally calmed down. Here, have a seat." North said, sitting down on a chair and gesturing for South to sit on the other. South reluctantly sat down, staring at North with eagle eyes.

"I saw some things happening in your country, courtesy of my elite spies." North started, his smirk melting into a dark stare. "I see you have betrayed our father." He growled.

"Forgiving someone isn't betrayal. I would say that attacking your own brother ruthlessly is more toward it." South spoke with an equally dangerous tone.

"ENOUGH!" North yelled, slamming his fist into the desk. "Why the fuck would you even think about forgiving her, the descendant of the Japanese empire!" He said furiously.

"I would rather forgive Japan and establish peace rather than hate her forever!" South yelled.

North's expression suddenly melted into a sad one. "S-south.." He stuttered, but immediately snapped back to his original one. "I don't care! Her mother is the one who tortured our father!"

South was left dumbfounded. That expression just now.. the one that his brother always used to make, when he was.. 'feeling trapped'. What happened?

"What was that..?" He said quietly.

"You heard what I said." North spat.

"No.. no I mean.. did something happen to you?" South asked suspiciously.

"What do you mean? Has the fall made your brain stop working?" North glared.

South made a mental note. Something definitely happened, but he wasn't going to focus on that now. "Nevermind, why did you even attack me in the first place?!" He cried, finally asking what he had been asking for so long. "I get it, the first time you wanted to unite under communism." He spat the last word out, like it had a bad taste. "But now?! Why NOW?" He asked.

Why brother why?... [ Countryhumans Korea ] REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now