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Japan woke up as the sun rose. She too, was an early riser.

Since she had just woken up, she had no memory yet of what happened.

"Why am I here- oh yes, I remember." She mumbled.

As she started to wake up more and more, she remembered yesterday's events.

South had already left, and so she was alone in the forest, now with the sun partially lighting up the sky.

'Wait.. did me and South.. just sleep together or something?' She thought, and immediately covered her mouth in embarrassment, although no one was there. Her face turned red and she shook her head vigorously.

'Oh. I do have to go home.' She thought, pushing her previous one out of her mind. She stood up and ran back to the place she was staying, having to go back in about eight hours.


South sipped his coffee as he finished his last piece of paperwork. It was something about POWs being exchanged, and he signed it.

Downstairs, he could hear loud talking, then silence. Then his one of his provinces yelling loudly, but was talking too fast to decipher what was being said. He took his noise-cancelling headphones and put them on, rejoicing as all the noise stopped.

'Finally, those people are way too loud.' He said.

He had to see Japan off as she departed later in the day. His face still burned slightly as he thought about what had happened earlier.

He didn't know how he felt with Japan anymore. He saw Japan as a very close friend of his and treated her as one, but somehow this alien feeling comes up every time she is near.

Taking out his journal again, he opened it and started to write.

August 14th, 2022

I don't know what to feel anymore. The war has been going on for.. about 4 months I think. A lot has happened. Soviet joined the war, as well as China and Russia. It's strange how quickly they were to jump into the war.

I have fixed relations with Japan and things are going smoothly now. It's funny how quickly we got along. There is this.. feeling I get everytime I am close to her. She is kind and is actually quite skilled. The fact that i had failed to notice. Her family was very powerful and she was taught by the.. former Japan I'll say. My family bloodline was isolated, and a buffer state between hers and China's.

For now I will see how everything goes. NATO is on full alert since now the USSR is back. I hope this doesn't escalate. We have been walking on a thin line for quite a while now. I predict that they will attack very soon.

He closed the red leather book. It felt strange, like he was a child again.

He only knew one countryhuman that was a child and it was South Sudan. South Sudan was only 11 years old, and recieves help from his father, Sudan. But relations have been poor in recent years.

Suddenly, South got yet another call.

"Hello?" He spoke.

"South Korea." UN said.

South was confused. UN rarely called a single country, only calling for meetings and such. "United Nations, why have you called?"

"Come to the UN office in Seoul at 7 pm. I have something to tell you."

South was taken aback. UN never called a country personally to meet him, but despite his confusion, he decided to go since he wouldn't dare disobey the one organization who had power over all of the countries.

'I won't be able to see Japan off then.' He thought. 'My president would have to help me out there.'

He sent word to the president, saying that he had a meeting with UN, in the office in Seoul.


A few hours later, Japan was at the airport about to board the plane.

The South Korean president came to her and said, "South Korea sends his apologies, but he had a sudden meeting in Seoul with the United Nations. He hopes you have a safe flight back."

Japan stopped in her tracks. "United Nations?" She asked suspiciously.

"..Yes?" The president replied.

"I got a call just an hour ago saying that he would be going to Germany for two weeks so he wouldn't be able to come to the Japan-US summit next week!" Her face fell. "Oh no.."

The president blinked in surprise. "You-" He started.

"Tell me where he is." Japan demanded, forgetting manners and cutting him off.

"He said that he would go to the UN office in Seoul." The president answered.

Japan hurriedly took out her katana and gun. Her assistant was surprised. "Miss! You cannot leave now! The plane will depart in 10 minutes!"

"Do not tell me what to do. Remember who is superior here." She sent her assistant a cold look. "I will be postponing my flight to tomorrow, send my apologies." And with that, she ran off.

"Wait- Miss!" Her assistant yelled after her, but Japan was already gone.


South arrived at the UN office at 7 pm. But when he entered, he saw that the security guards were knocked out on the floor, unconscious.

He stared at them in shock. He ran to them and checked their pulse, and sighed in relief when he found out that they were still breathing.

The place was eerily quiet, and he became suspicious.

"UN? Are you-" He barely finished his sentence when suddenly he felt that he had stepped on a wire.

He looked down and barely had time to open his mouth in shock when the floor beneath him opened, sending him falling to who knows where.

Author's Note:

Well things are not looking good for South. TiMe fOr jApAn tO sWeEp iN aNd sAve ThE dAy!


By the way, for the reunification (if it happens), would you like N and SK to combine into one, or for them to remain separate beings but part of the same country?

Honestly for me I would like them to remain separate beings, but I wanna see what you guys think.

Also, if ur wondering why the feeling is so alien to countries, is that love is very rare in countryhumans. Countries are formed when they gain independence, not with the all "They kissed and blah blah" thinga ma jingles. Only time when love happened between countries is with France and UK

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