The escape plan

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South was surprised when the attacks from the North gradually became less frequent and less.. aggressive he'd say?

He was in the forest, as he had been going to it a lot lately. Just everything that had just happened was a bit much for him to take.

He knew that at some point the drug should've weared off, but he didn't expect it to be this fast.

He suddenly heard voices coming from somewhere. He abruptly stood up and listened. He could only hear very faintly but he was certain that he heard a scream right before.

'North?' The first thing that came to mind was that. 'No.. the voice is too high pitched for it to be North's.. maybe it's one of his provinces.'

It was then when it occurred to him that he was in the area close to the DMZ.

He frowned. What was North going to do to his province? He ran to the border, almost stepping on the landmine in the process. He stopped with a halt, sighing in relief.

Squinting through the barbed wire and electric fences, he could see two figures in the distance talking with each other, with the taller one helping the shorter with a bloody ankle. South was certain that that was North helping. He was appalled, now knowing that it was confirmed that North had changed.

A smile crept to his face, feeling a sense of pride in his brother, although they haven't had an actual conversation without fighting in decades.

He glanced at the sky, realizing that the sun was rising. He stole a quick glance back at his brother, and ran back to his territory.


North had left the gash alone, he wanted it to just heal by itself, hiding it from the others.

Now he was getting more stable, his true self being more dominant now. However, he sensed that the USSR was getting suspicious of him, so he had no choice but to continue with the attacks.

"What is South to you?" Soviet asked.

North, although pained, forced a glare and said, "He is the capitalist American puppet and we must reunite at all costs under socialism." He said coldly. He was always a good actor, and was now thankful that this talent had finally become useful.

Soviet appeared to be convinced. His frown morphed into his signature cold stare. "Very well." He said, staring down at the smaller country  then walking away.

North let out the breath that he had been holding. He was thinking about defecting to the South, which was ironic considering that he was the very one who made the rules that his people arent allowed to leave the country or travel freely even within.

He badly wanted to tell his people to go free, travel the world, watch foreign television instead of being restricted to North Korean propaganda.. but alas, that wasn't possible with the USSR around.

He squeezed his wrist, making his hand light blue. He imagined his wrist being his so-called "allies" neck, squeezing it harder and harder until his hand turned an alarming pale blue.

He finally let go, feeling the blood rush back into his hand.

He put himself together and walked down the hall, ignoring the scared looks coming from his provinces/cities, apart from South Hamgyong.

"What are you staring at?" He glared at Ryanggang, who cowered away in fear.

Only when he got to his office he relaxed. His shoulders slumped and he let out a deep sigh.

A knock came from his door. "May I come in?" South Hamgyong asked, peeking in.

North's face softened at the sight of him. "Sure." He said, nodding to signify that he wasn't hostile.

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