Real Trouble

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North and South walked into the meeting room, looking around.

"Seems like we are one of the first here." South said.

"Indeed." Came a familiar voice from behind. North jumped, but South just turned around.

 "Hello, Japan." He greeted her.

"Does she do that all the time?" North whispered.

"Yes, I do. Whispering won't work in your favor when I'm around." Japan laughed, twitching her ears.

She walked up to him. "North.." She eyed him up and down. "I assume you are free of what Soviet had put you on?"

"Yes." North replied. He didn't know what else to say. He had been hating this country for years.

"I'm very sorry for what happened those decades ago in 1910. I had given South a former apology, but never to you." Japan apologized, dipping her head to North.

North blinked twice. "Oh.. I forgive you." He said, surprising himself.

Japan raised an eyebrow. "I must say that that was unexpected. I will have to get used to this you." She gestured to him. "No sprouting nonsense about South every two seconds and bragging about your nuclear weapons, and also firing missiles into my borders." She shook her head. "The amount of air raid sirens you put my people through."

North nodded guiltily. "I apologize. It's quite refreshing to be able to speak freely."

Japan laughed. "I can imagine."

She turned to South. "South, can I speak to you for a moment?"

South nodded. "Sure."

Japan pulled him aside. "I think it's going to be kind of hard for North, seeing that he has very little political experience." She said out of concern.

South sighed. "The problem is about what ideology he follows. The principles of reunification are very important. We have to do this peacefully."

"Maybe this meeting will help." Japan suggested.

"I hope." South said, looking over to North.

More countries were starting to come. Among them, America.

"I'll leave now. Let's talk more later." Japan smiled, then left.

"Hi South." America said.

South nodded. "Hello, America. I hope you know that North is here right?"

"Yes, I know." America replied.

"America." North appeared.

He caught South looking at him. "What? I heard my name."

America was unsure of what to say. Normally he would've been spewing insults but now that North wasn't "evil" there wasn't much to say. "Oh.. hi. Well this is awkward. Not sure if you even like me." America said.

North crossed his arms. "Not necessarily like, but not hate either. But if you're against the Soviet Union, we have something in common. I may not be communist anymore, but that doesn't mean I automatically am allies with you."

"Noted. As long as you don't turn into some ranting guy who invades his family, I won't drop thousands of bombs on you." America said.

North chuckled. "I can see my other self starting to yell at you calling you "American imperialist pig""

"That happened too much." America laughed. "'American imperialist making South your puppet!'" He mocked.

South watched as the two talked. 'Two mortal enemies actually getting along.' He thought to himself.

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