Developing Friendship

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South went outside to relieve his memories. His blade gleamed in the moonlight, it was so well-cleaned that it could've been a mirror had it been wider.

"Nice sword you got there."

South spun around to see Japan in the doorway.

"Japan, I didn't see you there." He greeted her.

Japan had come as a part of a business trip, and saw him with his sword.

Japan walked towards him, extending her hand. "May I have a look?" She asked.

"Certianly." Came the reply. South handed it to Japan, watching her marvel at it's design and quality.

"Such fine craftsmanship. It's light but lethal, and it may very well cut through many things." She looked at South, raising her eyebrows. "Where did you get it?"

"My grandfather gave it to me. He taught me and my brother to use swords, since, well.. he had gone through quite a lot of invasions from you're grandfather, China's grandfather, and the Mongol Empire." He said. "He never appreciated firearms, because he liked the art of traditional fighting better."

Japan handed back the sword, taking hers from her sheath. "Care to join me in a sword fight?" She asked.

Before South could answer, a flash came, clanking with another peice of steel.

"Lucky I sharpened mine before you came." South smirked. He spun and caught her by surprise. He cut straight down, a basic move, but Japan was quicker.

"Element of surprise, I like it." She said. She kneed South and he fell to the ground.

Before she could make any more moves, South quickly got up and soon two lethal blades were shining in the dull light, clanking against each other.

Typically, duels last about a minute, but this one lasted for five.

The duel came to a close when South struck Japan down, holding the sword at her neck.

"I win." He said.

Japan laughed as she accepted her defeat. "Good round."

They were tired, and so they sat down in the grass, the only source of light being the moon.

"I must admit that my skills have gotten pretty rusty since my childhood." South laughed.

"You are good at sword fighting. Modern days the katana is well-known, but isn't practiced enough. Few people know how to use it professionally." Japan said.

South shook his head. "The ancient Korean swords are less known. All you find about my country is K-pop and K-dramas." He said. "Indeed, that's the beacon of South Korea. Plastic surgeries, actors, that's all you see. Even the first Korean war is forgotten."

"Tell me about it." Japan replied. "All about my culture is Anime, and people are obsessed with it." She shook her head. "It's not bad, but it would be quite refreshing for people to actually take time to study other's culture instead of assuming it's all sunshine and rainbows based on one thing."

South only hummed in response. In his mind, the stress of war was briefly replaced by the calm of the night.

"Actually," Japan started. "I'm curious on what you're relationship was with North when you both were children. Was it healthy?"

South was taken aback with this question. All his life, no one asked how it was. People all assumed that it was always unhealthy and that they hated each other.

He stood, extending his hand to Japan's. "Follow me." He said.

Japan was confused, but followed him to his office anyway.

"This is where I keep all my valuables as well where I do my work." He said, running his finger along the thick books on his shelf.

"What are you looking for?" Japan asked, perking her ears.

"This." South picked up a thick leather book from his shelf. His slim fingers were surprisingly strong as he gripped the book tightly, almost as if it would vanish if he didn't do so with so much strength.

He opened the book, and Japan gasped when she realized what it was.

South flipped the pages softly, careful not to tear the book. It wasn't long until he found what he was looking for.

"This." He said. "Is me and my brother when we we children."

Japan had expected two cold faces staring at each other with hatred, but she was surprised to realized that that wasn't the case.

There the two brothers were, smiling, happy faces while linking their arms together. They were wearing the traditional hanbok, unaware that the photo would be one of the memories that could not be re-lived.

"Was it before.. my occupation?" She asked quietly.

South nodded. "Yes. I believe that this was taken on 1905 or 6, I can't remember correctly."

Japan was about to say something when an alarm went off.


Japan covered her ears while South listened carefully to the details. After it was over, South looked panicked and quickly went for his gun and sword.

"Shit." He cursed. "The enemy is trying to take Seoul."

He looked at Japan. "I am terribly sorry, but I have to leave now. Please seek shelter and defend yourself if needed."

"No." Japan said steely, taking South by surprise. "I'm coming with you."

South stopped short, looking at her with wide eyes. "It's dangerous. It's important that you focus on you're own country rather than mine."

Japan was already in her military uniform with her gun and sword. "What's the point of having allies then? If we are only going to focus on our nation, then we would all be enemies. I'm coming, and you are not stopping me."

South sighed, worried but slightly relieved that there would be someone else with him. "Fine. You may come, but please be careful."

"You say as you don't need to be careful yourself." Japan said. "This will be my first time fighting since 1945, but this time it will be for a good cause. Let's go."

They ran out of the door, praying that they weren't too late.


Author's Note:

YAY another chapter done. I decided to use swords as well as guns for the countryhumans fighting because it makes sense for them to use swords. Humans might not use it much, but if you think about it the family line of (most) countryhumans stretches back thousands of years, and I doubt they used guns in the 14th century.

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