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It was a cool spring day, when the two sons of the Korean Empire were playing in the fields.

Since the Japanese occupation, the family had to stay in hiding in order to avoid being killed by who they believed was the most gruesome country in the world. Now they stayed in hiding in the Chinese lands, disguised as Japanese humans by using human makeup and wigs.

"Haha, I'm going to get you this time." One of the two little countries laughed. It was the Northern part of the now occupied Korea.

"Try me." The other one smirked. They had been playing this game for hours, and every single time the Southern part won.

North launched himself at South, who skillfully dodged his attack. They then play-wrestled for about 5 minutes until when South said, "Truce?" while panting. North panted with him and said,"Truce."

They laughed as they threw themselves on the ground, soaking in the cool sunshine. Even though they were going through rough times, the pair still managed to make themselves laugh with each other's company.

Then, out of nowhere, they heard a blood-curdling scream, then silence. They immediately rushed inside the house. It sounded like their father. No, something wasn't right..

They came to a halt at the horrifying sight that greeted them in the living room.

There was Japanese Empire, and their father with a katana on his chest. He gasped as blood sprouted out of his chest. North screamed and ran to his father, crying. South sprinted to his father as well, sobbing.

Their father looked at them with pain visible in his white eyes. He smiled a strained smile, and fell on their shoulders, crumbling to golden shimmers as he dissolved.

Japanese Empire looked at them impatiently. North screamed at the Country, struggling to get out of South's grasp as South tried to restrain his brother from attacking the countryhuman.

That day the Japanese Empire took them and made their life a living hell.


South woke up, shaking, and breathing heavily. He felt like his chest was being flattened, and like he ran across the entire continent without stopping. He slowly calmed himself down as he took deep breathes and looked at his nightstand. There was a picture of his father on it. He picked it up and outlined the base of his dad with his white finger.

"I love you, dad. I miss you everyday." He whispered, tears forming in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away and stretched, yawning. He went to his mirror and discovered the bags under his eyes. 'I must haven't slept well' He thought.

Moments later, he was dressed in his military uniform and walked downstairs. He looked at his calendar. There was no scheduled meetings, no military drills, nothing.

His military has seen some success but for now it was still trying to push the North Koreans out of their lands. Now the troops were fighting near the DMZ and Seoul.

As South sat down on his desk he started to think about the nightmare he just had. 'Why tho? That day.. why did I suddenly dream about it?'

His thoughts eventually stopped thinking about him and North playing and instead the murder of his father. He shuddered, remembering when he saw the blood spilling out of his own dad.

Suddenly, the Japanese Empire came into his mind. He groaned, thinking about what to do with the relationship between him and Japan. He knew that they would have to reconcile eventually, but he still couldn't stop himself being irritated with her whenever she spoke.

He thought the war though.. How many civilians can be killed, the consequences that the nation would suffer. He sighed.

'I will forgive forgive Japan if she sincerely apologizes.'

That thought came to mind. He will do it.


It was another week though until he mustered enough courage to directly schedule a meeting with Japan though.

As he stood in front of his plane, he stood as firm as stone while waiting for Japan.

Eventually though, she she came out to greet him, not in the friendliest way.

'Jeez Japan is like my best and worst frenemy'

Japan looked at South up and down and said, "Shall we talk in my office, South-kun? I don't feel like standing here all day."

"Certainly." South said. Both countries were conversing in their native tounges.

In her office, Japan spoke first.

"What do you want, South-kun? I don't have all day."

South took a deep breath and said, "I forgive you."

Japan, who was examining her claws, looked at South and raised an eyebrow.

"Hm?" She eyed him suspiciously. It was so out of character for him. Normally he would just not look at her and ignore her.

South found his jaw tighten. "Don't make me say it again." He gripped.

Japan, much to South's surprise, chuckled slightly, then started laughing.

"W-what!" South sound exclaimed, clearly flustered.

Japan giggled, then said, "South-kun, if you still hate me that much, why did you forgive me?"

South hesitated, then mumbled "I don't hate you."

"What did you say? I didn't quite hear that clearly." She smirked.

"I SAID I DON'T HATE YOU, OKAY?!" South yelled.

Japan leaned back on her chair, and smiled.

"What" South said.

"It's just so sudden. I was expecting you to come and start demanding apologies like you always do, but then here you come and say "I forgive you" out of the blue."

He crossed his arms. "I demand apologies because it's what my people deserve." He said.

Japan hesitated.

South shut his eyes and waited for the answer. He was fully expecting another argument about she already paid money, how he should stop all this, how she already apologized and South saying she didn't sincerely, it was going to repeat all again.

Instead, the answer surprised him fully.

"I'm sorry, I really am."

He opened his eyes to see Japan not with a sarcastic face, but instead a face will full sincerity.

"Huh?" He spoke, clearly surprised.

Japan sighed. "Look, we both know this. We aren't going to be political enemies forever, we can't do that. It's time that we fix relations. Plus, imagine how powerful we can be in East Asia." She grinned. "You know I hate North, we all do. I don't even recognize him as a country."

South's shoulders relaxed. He was honestly relieved that Japan was on his side.

"So.. should we try to forget about the past and fix our relations?" He smiled.

Japan nodded and smiled back.


Authors Note

OoOOo some Chemistry there. I'm now going the remove the 'No ships warning." There might be a Japan x South. Who knows? Maybe, Maybe not :)

Also I'm going to write an introduction to the countries :)

Why brother why?... [ Countryhumans Korea ] REWRITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang