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Warning: This chapter contains battles with mentions of blood, guns and swords. This is quite violent and please skip if you are uncomfortable with this type of content.

Also this has South POV lmao


That was the sound that kept ringing in everyone's ears.

With the countless blows of the tanks, firearms and grenades, along with the amount of casualties, it looked like a bloodbath.

South watched as a bullet flew next to one of his soldiers, barely missing his ear.

He ran towards the place where the bullet had came from, and stood behind the enemy soldier.

"Boo." He said, barely giving the soldier time to react before cutting his arm.

He turned around and saw a group of North Korean soldiers advancing towards him with one objective: to kill him. He knew that that was what they were tasked to do, and that they were willing to do so.

Before he could react, another slash came from behind. This time, it was Japan who appeared behind them, with a fierce look in her eyes.

She was covered in blood, no doubt some from her own body. But for she paid them no heed as she advanced, cutting enemy soldiers here and there.

"That's payback for saving me that day." She said.

'Even her voice has changed. I wonder how much countries can change during war'

South nodded, knocking out another enemy soldier in the process. "Yes. It seems like we are winning so far, where are we right now?"

Japan peered around. "It looks like we are close to the border. In a few more hours, we might be able to push them out."

"Great." South replied.


I didn't miss this. I dreaded this.

Kill count: 53

I spun my sword in my hands, stabbing another North Korean soldier who came close, aiming his gun.

As a looked around incase of more danger, I saw a familiar face in the distance.

"Ji-Hun! You're unit was called?!" I asked, shocked that he was here.

He spun around and saw me, eyes widened. "Sir! Your here too?!" He asked.

"I would certainly be here, given that the enemy is trying to take Seoul." I said, not letting my guard down once.

Ji-Hun realised that he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, and quickly spun around just in time to punch a North Korean soldier in the face, knocking him unconscious.

"You better go, this is the front line, dangerous to ordinary soldiers." I say, not wanting relatively new soldiers going to the most dangerous area of the battle.

He didn't complain, and ran to one of his comrades, helping him to get away from being ambushed by a group of soldiers.

I jumped up to a high level, landing safely while scanning the areas, using my gun to shoot anyone that came at me.

That sounds impressive to humans, but to countryhumans it's something basic if you have been living for so long.

While scanning the area I saw that my sword was covered in blood. Staring at it in shock, I quickly wiped it with my uniform. My uniform was covered in blood anyway. I didn't want to continue looking at the blood-covered sword. I would rather look at a blood-covered uniform.

As I looked over towards the DMZ again, I saw that a large truck of soldiers were coming our way.

I stopped in my tracks, completely dumbfounded. North had sent reinforcements?! Wasn't this about of soldiers enough?!

I reach into my radio and quickly called base. "Hello? Send reinforcements, now! The North has done the same!"

I quickly run to Japan, cursing under my breath. "Japan! They are sending reinforcements!" I yell over the sound of gunfire.

She stopped in her tracks after shooting a soldier. "What?!"

I nod. "You can see the trucks in the distance." I cross my arms. "I told you that you should've stayed back."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "I'm not weak. If they are fighting valiantly, we will fight as violently tenfold."

With the panic in her eyes dissolving into newfound courage, I look at her, and clenched my fist.

"We will." I say, reverting my eyes to the truck that had now arrived, sending more soldiers into battle.

I slice through the soldiers, making my way to the front. I regret thinking that swords won't be vital in battle, this piece of steel had saved my life at least five times.

After about three hours, my body was getting tired. My aching arms and legs were screaming for rest. We had been fighting for at least seven hours at this point.

I see Japan about to get surprise attacked by a group of North Korean soldiers, about 15 of them. I quickly run to her and push her.

"Japan! Be aware of you're surroundings. About fifteen were about to ambush you!"I yell, gunning down all the soldiers, although one of them manage to hit my soldier with a bullet, but it wasn't too severe.

"Thank you." Japan says, bowing and fighting off other soldiers.

"Why am I not surprised to see you here?"

A familiar gruff voice.. that voice.

I spun around and held the tip of my sword to my brother's. I glare at him, but at the same time I wanted to cry, for it had been many years since we had last seen.

He narrows his eyes at me, and I could see his own sword at his belt. I grow nervous, as he had been better at me in sword-fighting since we were children.

I have no time to react before he grabs his own sword fron his belt and releases himself from my grasp. I grunt as out swords clank against each other, marking the start of the duel, but this one is for real.

He has been training hard, I see. He swings his sword around, and tries to stab me, but I am nimble as I quickly slide to the left, escaping the tip just in time.

I try not to kill him, but it is clear the he wants to kill me. i repeatedly try to talk to him, but he answers with short, hateful words.

At last, he throws me down and puts the tip of the sword to my chest, daring me to try and stand up. My soldiers around him try to help me, but he shoots them unconscious with a shot of his gun.

He looks at me, evil smile and all, and repeatedly punches me in the gut, over and over again. It seems like he wants to put me in ad much pain as possible. He wants me to surrender, but that will not happen.

I kick him and stand up, and immediately I feel dizzy. I try to regain control of myself as I try to fight him off, but clearly I won't last long.

"South!" Japan yells, jumping on top of North and kicks him in the face, completely catching him off-guard.

He manages to use one hand to free himself from Japan's grasp, and uses it to shoot me in the leg.

I fall to the ground with a thud. All I can hear is Japan's sword clanking with another, and eventually Japan's grunt. I hear North speaking terrible things to her, but I hear him abruptly stopping, most likely due to being knocked out.

I remember hearing Japan saying my name, but I eventually pass out.

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