"Lily can't be a werewolf" Elena protested, "I grew up with her Damon, the only weird thing about her was her rage".

"She was away for two years Elena" Damon argued, "You don't know what happened to her the time she was away".

Elena sighed and turned to Alaric, "We were hoping that Isobel's research could help us figure out what it is" she said.

"Well, all of her things are still at Duke" Alaric informed, "I mean, her office is still there, she's technically still missing".

"So can we get access to it?" Damon asked.

Lily opened the gate to the cellar and started walking around, her eyes landed on the wall where chains were bolted and also the scratches of the many Lockwood werewolves that were here way before her, Lily realised as long as no one interfered with her transformation, this was the perfect place to transform tonight.

"Ric, we need to know what we're dealing with" Damon said, "If this wolfman thing is true, I've seen enough movies to know it's not good, it means Lily Forbes and Mason Lockwood are real-life Lon Chaney, and that little Tyler punk may just very well be Lon Chaney Jr, which means Bela Lugosi, meaning me, is totally screwed".


After checking the Lockwood's cellar out, Lily returned home only to realise that Stefan and Bonnie were in her sister's room, Bonnie making Caroline a daylight ring. Lily walked over to the kitchen and took out a water bottle from the refrigerator while using her super hearing to know what was happening in Caroline's room.

"So I don't get to choose the ring I have to wear the rest of my life?" Lily heard her sister ask.

"Hey, if you don't want it--".

"No, she wants it" Stefan interrupted.

Caroline sighed, "Now what?" she asked.

"Now's the part where I explain the rules" Bonnie replied, "The witch who spells the ring has the power to de-spell it, so if you ever do anything to hurt anyone--".

"I'm not gonna hurt anyone" Caroline interrupted, hurt that Bonnie thought so low of her.

"You're a vampire" Bonnie argued.

"And you're a witch" Lily snapped, entering the room and glaring at Bonnie, "But you don't see my sister holding that against you, do you?".

"You know what I am?" Bonnie asked shocked.

"Do I look like I was born yesterday? Of course I know what you are" Lily asked, "Now, correct me if I'm wrong but if you witches lose control of your magic, don't the people around you suffer?".

"I never lost control of my magic" Bonnie defended.

"Oh please, I didn't even have to listen to your heartbeat to know that you were lying" Lily said, making Stefan look at her curiously, "The truth is, witches are as dangerous as vampires, but just cause you guys have magic you think you're higher then vampires, let me break it to you Bon Bon, you aren't, so I'm going to give you two options, make my sister's daylight ring without any taunts, or watch as I rip you limb from limb".

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