Chapter 10: The Gauntlet of Doomfist

Start from the beginning

Y/n: That's good to hear.

He stand up and walked over to him and glance at the laptop and see five security guards arrive and they picked up the damaged Gauntlet and they take it away somewhere safe.

Everything seemed to be fine but Y/n find it very odd and asked Shadow.

Y/n: Where are those guys come from?

Shadow: They must have come when the attack started why?

He looked at the security guard and see one of their name badges so he radios in Tech and ask him.

Y/n: Tech have a search history on a security guard named Juma Adebisi.

Tech dose his work and after he radio back to Y/n and telling him.

Tech: (radio) This can't be right. According to his files he called in sick today, saying that he has a huge cold.

Y/n: Or maybe he's already dead. Those security guards ain't real, their Talon soldiers in disguise!

Shadow: (shocked) Holy shit your right! Winston, Tracer we have a situation! Talon soldiers disguise as security guards are escaping with the Gauntlett!

Winston: (radio) We got ambushed by Talon forces! We can't make it back!

Tracer: (radio) It's all up to you lot to stop them. Good luck.

Shadow: You hear her everyone it's up to us now! Get ready!

They have theie guards up while Shadow looks through the security footages and after a while finds them loading the Gauntlett up in Numbani Museum fan which was green and they watched as they climb inside the van and they take off.

Shadow: Tech track them!

Tech: (radio) Already on it! They're heading to Numbani airport south from here!

Shadow: Time?

Tech: (radio) 3 hours.

Shadow: Alright then, Ghost your with me, let's do this.

Y/n: Right.

They make their way down the steps and made it at the ground floor and get inside their military armor car as Shadow take driver side and once that power up the engines and speed off to catch the van. They dodge many cars and traffic trying to get to the van. After half a minute they spotted the van up ahead and the van must have spotted them because it start to speed off with Y/n and Shadow chasing after the van.

Shadow: Sniper team do you have the shot?

Sniper trooper: (radio) Negative sir, too many buildings in the way.

Y/n: Shadow look out!

Shadow looked over to see the back of the van open and Talon soldiers open fire at them which Shadow moves the armor car left and right to dodge the incoming bullets.

Some bounced off but they continue to dodge it until Y/n leaps onto the roof of the car and fire his assault rifle at them which they fell out of the van and rolled onto the street.

Y/n: Get me closer!

Shadow dose so as he gets closer and closer to the Van while Y/n holds on and soon he leaps over and lands inside the back of the van and aims his rifle and called out.

Y/n: I'm inside the van, searching the Gauntlett no-

Suddenly he was grabbed and slammed onto the left side of the van while Y/n is met by Doomfist as he grabs him by the the shoulder as he look at him.

Overwatch X male reader: A fugitive solder but a hero in heartWhere stories live. Discover now