
The room was buzzing; friends and family whispered to each other as they glanced between the double doors and altar. The groom was bouncing on his toes, a thin layer of sweat slowly forming on his forehead.

Lauren had her hands behind her back, fiddling with her fingers. She wasn't sure why she was nervous; maybe it was because of how important today was. She leaned to the side to look at the groom's side, seeing Jayden was also fidgety.

It was their parents' wedding... a day that many people have been anticipating for many, many years.

The double doors opened, and Nini began walking down the aisle, her moms on either side. Lauren looked back to the front and saw Ricky start to cry, quickly wiping his eyes.

When Nini reached the altar, she and Ricky held hands as the minister began his part. The voice sounded like it was underwater; she could only hear her heartbeat racing in her chest.

Before she even realizes it, they're saying I do and kissing, and everyone begins cheering and screaming. It was a much faster ceremony than she had expected.

It was pitch black outside. Lauren had to guess it was around four in the morning (that's when everyone's brains woke up to begin thinking random thoughts).

She closed her eyes to try and reimagine her dream, but it was difficult. Why do brains not like to remember the good dreams?

She couldn't believe how much this was taking over her brain. Ricky has only brought it up once, and now it was apparently her whole life. Well... it would be for the rest of her life if they were to get married.

Lauren began thinking more and more about it and truly couldn't come up with a reason why she wasn't able to give Ricky a solid answer when he asked. She certainly wasn't against the idea, but... it was just going to be majorly different.

She thought maybe she needed to rant to somebody who wasn't Jayden to get their opinion; well, more to just have someone listen. Or maybe not because it was too personal. God... I really should just go to sleep.


Meanwhile, Ricky and Nini were alone in her house since the twins were gone. Ricky was sitting on the couch waiting for Nini to come back; she had stepped out of the room because she said she had an idea for something to do.

He has started to have more dreams about their wedding, but every time he wakes up, he is reminded that the twins were hesitant when he asked. He wasn't sure how to go about changing their minds, especially since this was something that was definitely going to happen at some point.

He heard footsteps behind him and smiled when he saw Nini enter holding a small box. "What's this?" he wondered, standing to look into it.

"Memory cards with a bunch of home videos. I figured since the kids were gone, we could take a little trip down memory lane."

He smiled and said, "This is cute."

"I'm glad you think so. I'm gonna go get my laptop." She quickly went upstairs, leaving Ricky with the cards. There weren't very many, but he knew there were probably a gazillion videos and photos on each one. He smiled to himself as he thought about how far they have come over the years.

He's knocked out of his daydream when he feels two hands squeeze his shoulders, pulling him back into the couch. His grin widened when she leaned over the back of the couch to wrap her arms around him. "Hi."

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