Chapter Eighteen. Breakfast.

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I instantly hung up the phone. Mila looked at me weirdly. Nick, on the other hand, had caught on. He knew something was up.

"Welp. Looks like it's not here," I said

"Nah. Bullshit. You know something." Mila called me out

"Ok fine yeah, I do. I recommend you just get a new phone ok? That one isn't coming back anytime soon." I said

"Dude. I'm not made of money. Where is my damn phone?" She said

"I don't know exactly, but I know you're not getting it back," I said

"Ok that's it you gotta explain to me what's going on," Mila demanded. I looked at Mila, then at Nick, then back at Mila. Mila thought for a moment.

"Ahhh, super secret private girl parts stuff?" Mila said. Nick became super uncomfortable.

"Hey cop, can you leave the room for a second? We have to discuss lady stuff." Mila said. Nick obviously didn't believe her but didn't want to even try to oppose that. He stepped into my room so we could talk. I looked at Mila.

"Seriously? Lady stuff?" I said

"Well it worked, didn't it? He's out. Now spill it." Mila said

"So, you know how I like to trace the killer's every move?" I said

"Well, yeah..." Mila said

"And you know how you lost your memory of the night I went missing?"

"Yes, get to the point." She said. I took a deep breath.

"So one night the killer came to our neighborhood and you were over begging me for food so I left to go follow the killer and you got in the car with me and then we got to a crime scene and snuck past the police into the woods where the killer went and then you tripped over a dead body and then we found an opening in the woods and then standing in the woods was the killer and you pointed him out and then he like stabbed you, hence your stab wounds, and we had this big fight all together then you got knock out on a tree and also I found out that the killer was actually Jeffrey woods the boy who killed his family a few years back," I said, pausing as I ran out of breath. Mila just looked at me in horror.

"Ok and then the police showed up so he picked me up and ran because he didn't want to leave a witness but he couldn't manage to kill me before the police got too close and then he kept me in an abandoned house and fed me and took care of me and helped my injuries for some reason and then I tried to escape so he cut my face open and tied me up and left me in the cold and didn't feed me because I told him he was ugly and then I sort of died and then I'm pretty sure he took me to the hospital," I said.

"That's the short version of it," I concluded.

Mila had a look on her face I'd never seen. I couldn't tell if she thought I was crazy or not. She tried to speak but failed. After about a minute she spoke.

"If this is some sort of weird badly timed joke, it's not funny." She said

"Good, because it's not a joke. So, thoughts? Any ideas on how we don't die?" I said

"Why aren't you telling the police this?!" She said

"The last three people that saw Jeff got called crazy! I need some sort of proof so I can turn him in." I said

"Jeff? You're calling him Jeff?" She said

"I mean yeah, he seemed ok with it," I said.

"He seemed ok with it? You had conversations with this fucker?" She said

"Yes, Mila. How would you feel if you didn't talk to anybody for three months?" I said

"Id feel a-o-fucking-kay if I went three months without conversing with a serial killer." She said.

"Right, I forgot to mention, he broke into your apartment and has your phone," I said

"WHAT. HE WHAT." She said. I got out my phone and handed it to her. She looked over the text messages and her eyes widened even more. I guess these messages were proof enough for her I wasn't lying.

"Bro. What are we going to do." She said.

Suddenly Nick spoke, I looked over to see him leaning against my bedroom door frame.

"Well, breakfast would be a good place to start."

The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Where stories live. Discover now