Chapter Three. Mila.

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I got up from my seat and stared blankly at the door. I knew logically there was no way the killer or any serial killer for that matter would be politely knocking on my door, but that didn't stop me from hesitating. I moved closer to the door, feeling my body tense. I stood in front of the door. Suddenly i heard another knock, which made me jump.

"Who is it?" i said, projecting my voice through the door. "It's me." said the feminine voice on the other side "Yes but who are you?" i asked "It's Mila. Idiot," she replied. I unlocked the door and opened it. "Hey, what's up," i said casually. This was Mila Crosse. Mrs.Crosse's granddaughter. She lives with her grandma because her parents kicked her out a year ago, when she turned 18. Me and Mila are friends, we dont have alot in common, except the fact we are both 19 and have no life. "I was just making sure your not running through the streets looking for corpses," she said, shoving past me and comeing into my apartment and sitting on my couch. "I wish." i said closing the door and locking it. "Your grandma stopped me." i said, annoyed. "Good. Your gonna get yourself killed." said Mila "Worth it." i said brushing off her statement and walking over to the couch.

"No seriously, what makes you think your any different from any other victim, you'd die just as easily." said Mila " Well for one, im aware. The other victims arent aware their life could end any second, and i am." i said defending my actions "Well, at least I warned you. So what's for dinner?" she said "first you intrude in my home and now you expect me to feed you?" i said half joking "The old lady made rice for dinner, only rice, nothing else. I'm starving, feed me." she said, pleading. "Right..i got TopRamen and generic microwavable chicken nuggets. Your choice." i said "Nuggets please." she said, satisfied. I proceed to put two servings of chicken nuggets in the microwave for 2 minutes.

I looked back over to Mila. She was tall and thin, with brown eyes, and long, dyed, blood-red hair with dark brown roots. She was wearing loose jeans, a black hoodie with holes in it, and shoes covered in splatters of different colors of paint. Mila liked to paint, she wanted to be an artist, but she wasn't making enough money. So shes unemployed. She also wore a black nose ring and earrings. Mila always smelt like cigarettes. Mrs.Crosse had always been ok with Mila being unemployed and living with her, but when i do it im "wasting my life away".

"Hello? Are you ok?" mila said "Yeah, why?" i said confused "Your staring at me all blankly." she said "Oh right, sorry, i zoned out." i said, not noticing myself staring. I sat down on the couch. "So, i'm surprised you're not out there looking for the killer." said mila "i told you, your grandma stopped me." i said "Yeah, so? Has that ever stoped you before?" she said "Well i might of gone out again if you hadn't needed sustenance." i said as i relaxed on the couch picking up my phone. I looked down at my phone surprised. Twelve more corpses had been reported. I showed my phone screen to mila. "Damn. Those arent far from here." she said as she looked up at me "But dont tell me your gonna go out there." she said

I got up and walked over to my desk. "It looks like there traveling east between alleyways based off of where the bodys where reported..this is a pattern the killer used when they have a set destination, such as an abandoned house or somewhere to hide." i said completely focusing and looking through piles of research "There have been 14 abandoned houses that the killer theoretically stayed in while they hid, 14 houses with the blood of the victims, medical supplies and food." i said "Woah, calm down killer stalker." said Mila, surprised. "I can't, if this pattern is being used it means he could be staying here. Staying. Like for up to a week!" I said super excited. "Great we're all gonna die. We should be celebrating about this?" said Mila growing concerned. "There was a body reported on this street about 40 minutes ago, and another farther down the street 35 minutes ago. So about 37 minutes ago the killer passed this building! Isn't that crazy!" i said "The only crazy thing here is you, calm down. You're not going out there." Mila said as she walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

I was still for a moment. I looked at my phone. A body hadn't been reported in the last 10 minutes. "Mila, I gotta go," I said as I got up and got my phone, my car keys, my wallet, and my pocket knife. "Seriously? This is how your choosing to die?" she said "I guess so, enjoy your nuggets." I said as a unlocked the door left my apartment and ran down the stairs. It's been 11 minutes now. I ran out the front door of my apartment. I reached my car and got in. 

For a moment everything fell silent.

The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя