Chapter Nine. Hostage.

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(helllllo, i just wanted to say i am going to start using a more traditional form of dialog writing to make my work more clear and understandable, so you will notice that structure difference in the story from here on out.)

I had been held hostage for what felt like days. He never really interacted with me, unless he was coming to bring me food. There were no windows, so I couldn't tell day from night, therefore I had no idea how long I had been there. I slept whenever I felt tired, and sometimes I would wake up to him watching me. He didn't talk to me much, but he would stare at me alot, and whenever I dared to stare back he would never break eye contact. When I tried to talk to him he would avoid me. I started getting into the habit of calling him Jeff, and he hated that.

But why was he keeping me here? That's what I couldn't figure out. He had gotten the information he needed, but is there something else he wants from me? Sometimes he would leave for what felt like a whole day, and sometimes he would check on me every five minutes. This whole situation was terrible. I started worrying about Mila more and more. I wanted to see her, to be around her. I felt so alone here. I once tried to ask him why he was keeping me..

"Hey, Jeff?"

"What." he replied

"Why are you keeping me here? Why haven't you killed me?" i asked him

"Would you rather me just kill you?" he said

"No, of course not. I just want to know why. I already told you everything I know." i said

"You want to be a detective, right?" he said


"Figure it out then." As he said that he left the room.

I knew he wouldn't tell me, and if I kept asking he might get annoyed and kill me. I was already walking on thin ice. Today was another normal day. I assume I've been here for about a week. Once in a while I would sneak glances at his eyes. I couldn't get over the fact that I thought they were beautiful, too beautiful for a killer to possess. Everything about him completely threw me off from what I expected him to be.

My injuries felt a lot better, I guess I was healing fast. Jeff would treat my wounds every once in a while. I found it very strange how he was so attentive to me. What did I have that he wanted? Whenever he came home he would always let me know. There were just so many little things that confused me about him. What the hell was he up to? What in the world could be his reason to keep me alive? One day I finally felt healthy and energized, so it was time to try and get free.

I started by trying to break the handcuff on my leg. It took me five hours, and I almost got caught three times, but I did it. Next, I needed to find an actual way of escape. It took me a minute to stand up, since I had been laying down for so long. I looked around the room, trying the door would be stupid in case he's just sitting out there. I walked around the room trying to find any loose wood panels on the wall. After looking for a while I found one. I pried the board out of the wall, and was met with the insulation. I took the sheets from my bed and used them to cover my hand, and carefully removed the insulation. I had made a little escape hole that I could fit though, now I just needed to remove the outside wood panels. I Started pushing as hard as I could to break them, they were the only thing keeping me from my freedom.

After thirty minutes, they still wouldn't break. I decided to take a break and cover my tracks. I took the insulation and stuffed it behind the fireplace, then I put my sheets back on my bed. Suddenly I heard the door to the cabin open. I quickly put the wood boards back on the wall, covering my escape hole, and lay down in my bed.

Then Jeff walked in the room.

The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Where stories live. Discover now