Chapter Fourteen. Liar.

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Mila stood up. An officer gestured for her to leave, and she did so after saying goodbye to me. I sat up and watched as two of the officers came to my bedside. I was extremely nervous about what to say. The officer closer to me was an older man, maybe in his late 50s. He had a very serious look about him that made me nervous. The officer next to him had a notepad, he looked middle-aged and seemed like he was just there to write down my responses.

The third officer stood out to me. He was leaning against the door frame, listening from a distance. He seemed younger than the other officers, maybe in his twenties. He had brunette hair that kept falling in front of one of his eyes. His eyes were a sharp amber, and he looked tall. The officers began to question me. I recalled the events that happened up until I was in the woods with Mila. I told them how we found the body when we entered the woods, and how we found an opening. Then I paused. Should I really tell them what I saw? Should I tell them I know who the killer is? Three other people have and no one believed them, why would they believe me? I don't even have proof!

"I was knocked unconscious." I blurted out after a long pause. The old officer looked at me with uncertain eyes.

"Are you sure ma'am?" He said. I glanced to the door and saw the younger officer staring at me with a look in his eyes. A look that told me he knew I was lying.

"Yes, I don't remember anything after that," I said. The older officer seemed to believe me more.

"Do you remember anything that happened over the three months you were gone?" He said

"I only remember waking up in a dark room. I couldn't see anything." I said quietly.

"Do you remember being fed or given water?" He said

"Yes, a few times in the beginning I woke up and saw food and water, I drank and ate, but then he stopped feeding me," I said nervously.

"I think that is the information we need, for now, you will be questioned further later." Said the officer.

I relaxed a bit and smiled. The officer taking notes started to pack up his things.

"Thank you for cooperating Mrs." Said the officer.

"It's no prob-" I began to say, as I was cut off.

"Seriously?" A voice cut in.

I looked to the door frame once more, to see the voice had come from the younger officer. He had a deeper voice and sounded obviously very annoyed.

"Now don't you start Mr. Cowl," The older officer said, in a warning voice.

"She didn't remember anything, then she remembers waking up in a room where she couldn't see anything, then she remembers waking up and seeing food in front of her. She may not be guilty, but she's obviously lying." He said flatly. My eyes went wide. How had I lied so obviously?

"It is not your place to accuse a victim of lying about a crime. Your lucky I don't take you off this case right now." The older officer said. The younger officer scoffed and looked like he was about to say something, but stopped himself.

"Mrs.L/N, I'm so sorry for his poor behavior. Let me introduce you two. Mrs.L/N, this is Nicholas Cowl. He will be watching over you until you are deemed safe and no longer in danger." The older officer said. I was stunned. He is going to be watching over me? Him? The guy who knows I am lying? The only officer in this room who does not believe me? Is this seriously my luck? Give me a break, world! You know what, maybe this is good. If he's always going to be watching me he can't go do research and try and figure out the truth. Maybe I can even make him believe me!

"Mrs.L/N?" The older officer said.

"Oh, right, sorry. I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you." I smiled at the younger officer. He did not smile back. The older officer and the officer taking notes left. Now it was just me and him. We just stared at each other for a moment. I tried to think of something to make me sound innocent.

"Hey, I'm sorry if what I said sounded unclear, I just haven't had a chance to think about all that happened yet." I smiled sheepishly, attempting to make him feel guilty.

"You know I know you're lying. Trying to manipulate me will only make me further suspect that you had something to do with the crime." He said. Once again I was left speechless, he didn't just think I was lying, now he thought I was a criminal.
"I would never have hurt Mila! She's my best friend!" I said in protest.

"Well maybe if you told the truth, you could prove that. Right now what I see is you were at the scene of the crime and are refusing to tell me what happened. If you were me, wouldn't you think you were guilty of something?" He said, tilting his head to the side.

"Well, you don't even know if I'm lying," I said defensively.

"The fact that you even said that confirms your lying." He said

God, who is this dude? L from death note? Like seriously my life is difficult enough I don't need this right now.

"Also, I was going to mention it earlier, you want to tell me who 'he' is?" He said. I paused for a moment and thought about his question.

"...what?" I replied.

"You said 'he' stopped feeding you. Not 'they' or 'the kidnaper'. You said he."

The Theory. (A Jeff The Killer Story) (JeffxReader)Where stories live. Discover now