23. Worth lying to

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The BTS members were back in their room, watching the news. Headlines were filled with the hot topic of Jin and Lisa being together, along with the BLACKPINK comeback. The girls barely make any appearance so this comeback news caused a hurricane. The five members were chilling, Yoongi and Jungkook were in the main office room, waiting to hear what their Pd-nim got to say, who was now talking to someone on the phone.
"Yoongi. I don't wanna drag this, so let's get straight to the point." Bang Si-hyuk started, ending his call. He paused, staring directly at Yoongi who avoided him. "Is any of that news true? And I hope your answer is nothing but the truth."

Yoongi exhaled a shaky breath, saying, "Yes, Pd-nim. I am... Bisexual."

"Hm. You said that earlier to, but you do realise we had a meeting about this not too long ago, right?"

"Yes, hyungnim."

"Then why did you hide about this matter?"

"I-... I wanted to keep it a secret, didn't want to let anyone know-"

"What about now? Everybody knows and you didn't get any say, that's why it became a scandal."

Jungkook pov

Hyungnim cuts off Yoongi hyung mid sentence, frowning. Is he gonna kick out Yoongi hyung out of the company? That's the last thing I would want to happen to hyung. He was always my silent supporter and if he's gone... No! He can't leave! I won't let that happen! I asked, quietly, "Um.. Pdnim? Yoongi hyung is not getting kicked out, right?"

Hyungnim looked at me with disbelief. "Of course, not! He's a music genius, a prodigy! We can't afford to lose you, Yoongi." I sighed. That's a relief. I smiled and turned to Yoongi hyung, but he looked the same as how he was before. Just a stern face. I turned back to hyungnim as he continued, "You'll continue working under BigHit. ok? About the news, well... since it's the truth, there's no point denying it with a statement. And you're preferences doesn't matter here as long as any of the band members are not involved."

Oh great. Band members not included? How will I tell him about me and Jimin hyung after we work out then! It's not like I can't keep it a secret forever. I'm bad at keeping secrets too!

"Well, about that..." Yoongi hyung said, breaking my thoughts. I frowned at him, the same as hyungnim. "Hm?" He asked, but hyung remained quiet. So quiet that it turned eerie. "Yoongi?" Hyungnim asked again and hyung answered, "I... do have someone I like. And- he's from our group."

I widened my eyes at him. What!? Hyung likes someone from our group? I did not expect that! After he said that he turned to me, wait- Why is hyung looking at me for? No way, does he likes m-me? Or maybe he's telling to give privacy, I guess.

"I-I think I should get out now-" I stuttered as I got up from my seat, cutting myself off. Hyungnim turned to me nodding. "You're right, but we need to talk as well, Jeon Jungkook. So don't even think about escaping."

I nodded back at him, saying a quick 'yes' as I left the room. I sighed after I closed the door. Just then my phone chimed. I took it out to check the message.

Unknown number:
Hey, is this Jungkook?

Unknown number? Who is it? And how did they know it's me... Is this another saesang!? Ugh, they never know when to stop! I should report it. I was about to report them and send the number to Sejin hyung when I got another message. This told it's from Taehyungie hyung.
Jungkook-ah, maybe you'll get a message now. Don't report that number!

Hyung? How do you know that?
Who is it?

It's.. um... I don't exactly know who, but it's a friend of my friend.

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