Hoseok intervened.

'Hyung, why would Jinnie hyung do it. Let him go hyung.' Hoseok tried but it went in vain as Yoongi lunched the elder in his face. Jin already being weak stumbled and felt blood drops on his hand only to figure out that his lip was busted. Hoseok took hold of the elder made him sit on the couch.

'I think we should sign the deal Hyung' voiced out Namjoon not trusting his voice.

'No, shit sherlock' spat Yoongi.

'Yes Hyung, the company is not as important as Kookie. I don't care losing our company for our bunny' spoke out Jimin voice breaking in the process.

Namjoon was about to make some calls to his secretary, the cops regarding the maknae but stopped.

'I don't accept it' stated Jin. Everyone looked at him with questioning eyes.

'What do you not accept?' spat Yoongi coldly.

'First of all Kim Yoongi correct your attitude you are talking to your elder. Secondly, WE. ARE. NOT. Signing the deal' stated Jin, voice cold.

'What do you mean by not signing the deal?' This time it was Namjoon.

'We are not signing the deal with them. I will just not lose 75% of my company' rasped Jin.

'It's not yours it's OUR company too.' spoke Yoongi.

'You can do whatever the hell you want. We are not having a deal with them'

'Hyung, Jungkook' broke out Jimin.

'We will find another way to save Jungkook. There is no need to give away the company'

'Are you even hearing to yourself. Because, I think you have lost your mind.' argued Yoongi. Taehyung had woken up by now and was shocked to look at his hyungs yelling at each other.

'What are you even trying to prove here? You were ready to sign the deal before, to give away our company to them for just a million dollars and now you can't sign the deal even if it is the only way to save our Bunny' accused Yoongi pointing his index finger towards the oldest.

'I am not trying to prove anything here. You just can't sign the deal. We will lose our company for god's sake. And what is the proof that we will get Koo back even if we did sign the papers' said Jin as softly as he could trying to have a civilised conversation with others.

'Are you even being serious? If we lose the company then let us. Even if we go completely bankrupt in process of protecting Koo then I am fine with it' yelled Namjoon.

'Joonie that's enough. Whatever happens he is still your Hyung' reprimanded Hoseok.

'Then he should act like one Hobi' glared Yoongi looking at the older.

The argument went for a few more minutes. They were now just yelling at each other for nothing.

'Thats enough. Stop, all of you!!!' yelled out Hoseok as high as he could. Everyone did stop arguing.

'Jimin, Tae head to the room. Take rest. Hyungs will handle and bring Kookie back as soon as we can. No coming out of the room.' sternly ordered Hoseok. Jimin and Taehyung ran to Jimin's room and they cuddled but they couldn't sleep knowing very well that their maknae was in danger, far away from them.

'And hyungs, you are arguing infront of the maknaes. I don't know anything about the deal but I am with Yoongi hyung. Even if we lose the company and don't get our Koo back atleast we will know that we tried' calmly spoke Hoseok.

Namjoon and Yoongi nodded their head at Hoseok's words.

'You guys can do whatever you want, but you will NOT sign the deal' screamed Jin and walked out pissed.

It was the next day they were called to the company. Jin had ordered the security to not let any of his brothers inside the company and the guards followed. All of them had fought the guards to let them in and they couldnt even reach their secretaries. They were in tears. They needed to sign the deal at any cost. What was their hyung even doing.

Inside the company was Jin having a conversation with the CEO of the other company.

The CEO smirked but his smirk soon fell.

'I am not signing the deal. You can do whatever you want. Now leave' Jin stated and it was now Jin's turn to smirk.

'Ohh Kim, surely I will leave but also say goodbye to your maknae, Jungkook' laughed the CEO and went out.

The brothers were now allowed inside the company. They stormed directly towards Jin's cabin. There sat Jin groaning while sipping coffee. Yoongi just saw red and couldn't handle himself. Yoongi stormed towards the older and punched the older mercilessly. He showed no signs of stopping and Jin just took the blows because somewhere he knew he did a mistake. He was guilty.

Hoseok and Namjoon pulled both of them apart.

Yoongi's secretary barged in. She was close to them. She was like a second mother to them.

'Watch this' the secretary told and played the video. It was not any video but the video from the CEO. There was Jungkook tied to the wooden chair as a man in black mask kept whipping him. His face had scratches. He was bleeding by his arms. They could notice the bruises on the younger's stomach as Jungkook sat there shirtless. Jungkook was out and they knew he was unconscious.

Tears spilled from everyone's eyes. They couldn't believe their maknae whom they raised with love, care was being mercilessly beaten to a pulp.

'Stop, stop' yelled Taehyung closing his eyes not being able to look at some monster whipping his baby brother. 

'Great mistake Kim' The voice said as the video ended.

'You saw what you did. It's all because of you' accused Yoongi looking at the elder.

'The cops will be in your place. Leave and talk to them. Here is the video' Yoongi's secretary said and sent them off. It was only her and Jin left.

She didn't speak anything rather treated the wounds on his face.

'You think I did a mistake too, don't you?' questioned Jin.

The secretary didn't reply and just focused on treating his wounds.

'I do think you did a mistake' voiced out the secretary and walked out. There was no use lying because the consequence was right in front of them.

'I am sorry baby' cried out Jin and focused on his works. More like with the cops. He was on call with one of the most trusted cop talking about Jungkook's situation. He was playing the video on loop trying to look through it to find out any clue.

Where was Jungkook? Why did Jin go against his brothers?

Hey guyss!!! This one is for kookie×jungkookie. Did you all like it???


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