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Chapter 17

It was 10 pm, Jungkook returned to the dorm, he hoped Jin had calmed down and wanted to listen to his explanation. His heart was also very broken to hear Jin hated him. He knew he broke his promise because he was drunk, it was his fault but he didn't expect it to turn out like this. Jungkook went into his room and saw that no one was there, he even saw Jin's wardrobe was open and all his clothes weren't there. He was very surprised and when he came out of his room, he met Ken.


"Ken, have you seen Jin?"

"He left with his suitcase this afternoon"

"What? Do you know where he went?"

"No, he didn't say anything, what's wrong? Did something happen to you guys?"

"Shit.." Jungkook went back to his room and called Jin but his number wasn't active. Jungkook sat on the floor and lay down on the bed. He cried and kept blaming himself. He lost the most important person in his life, previously he lost his mother and now Jin. They are just as important to Jungkook.

When Jungkook stared straight at Jin's bed, he realized that there was a box up there. He sat on Jin's bed and took the box. He opened it and his eyes widened.

"Ohh shit.." There was a testpack in it and a note.

"I thought I was sick, but I was wrong, this is yours, i love you -Jin"

Jungkook covered the box and cried while cursing himself. He couldn't sleep that night, it was too broken, too painful for him to sleep well. He slept on Jin's bed, the smell was still there. He missed the owner of the fragrance.

He woke up when he heard his phone ring, he felt like he had just closed his eyes for a moment. He hastily picked up the phone.


"Hey it's me Jimin"


"I just want to make sure Jackson took you safely yesterday, I'm sorry I couldn't take you home because Yoongi sprained his leg and he needs me"

"Jackson? You didn't ask Soobin to drive me?"

"Are you crazy? I won't let him take the opportunity to drop you off at the dorm"

"Jungkook, you still there?"

"Jimin I have to go now"

"Where--" Before Jimin could ask, Jungkook hung up and walked out of his room, taking the box with him.

He didn't know where Jin went, but he came to the lake like he promised with the box. He rushed there, hoping Jin was there. But when he got there, the place was empty, no one was there. Jungkook sat on his dock putting the box beside him and closed his eyes.

He remembered the first time they were there, the first time he felt something in his heart because of Jin and at that time, it was only him there.

"Jin.. I'm sorry, it's my fault for letting you down, I broke my promise. I hurt you" Jungkook muttered while lowering his head and crying.

At his parents' house, Jin just locked himself in his room, he didn't want to eat and didn't want to open the door for his mother.

When he came crying, his mother knew what was going on, she didn't say anything to Jin, just hugged him tightly. Jin also didn't explain anything to his mother. until a week passed, Jin still didn't want to come out of the room, he only ate a little food that his mother gave him.

His mother knew her son had never been like this before. She felt guilty for hoping Jin would regret his choice back then.

"Jin, how long do you want to shut yourself up in your room? Will this solve your problem? Do you want to know when your father left us? At that time I did the same thing with you, I was pregnant with you Jin, you were still 6 months in my stomach at that time. He left me for another woman, it was very painful, I thought confining myself would make me calm but on the contrary, the more I locked myself the more I remembered what he did to me. At that moment I came out of my room, I can't be selfish, I had you at that time, you have to live well and when I gave birth to you, at that moment I realized, it was not me who lost your father, but he who lost us. But didn't everyone make mistakes Jin? I forgive your father, because I want to live happily and that's how it is if you want to be happy"

His mother didn't hear any sound from inside the room, but his mother knew that Jin heard what she said. His mother had no other choice, but to come to campus and meet the man who hurt her son.

That afternoon his mother came to the dorm and entered the room. But he didn't see anyone there and when he came out, he met Ken.

"Are you looking for someone?"

"Yeah, where's Jungkook?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jin's mother"

"Ah hi Mrs. Kim, I'm Ken, Jungkook is having class this afternoon, you can meet him at the campus building"

"Thank you Ken" his mother went to the campus building, but instead she met Jungkook outside the dorm.

"Mrs. Kim?" Jungkook was surprised when he saw Jin's mother in front of him.

"Jungkook, I want to talk to you" Jungkook took her to the campus garden and sat there.

"I don't know what happened to you two, but it's been a week Jin hasn't come out of his room, he isn't eating well either, I'm worried about his condition, but I know he only needs you"

"I hurt him Mrs. Kim"

"I know, he came to me crying at that time, I came here not because I need you, I'm angry with you because you hurt him, but I can't be selfish, this is about him, and he needs you"

"What if he still won't come out of his room when I come?"

"At least we tried"

His mother took Jungkook to her house, showed Jungkook where Jin's room was and left him. Jungkook sat leaning against the door of Jin's room. Knock it twice.

"Jin, it's me, I know you won't come out, because you hate me, this is all my fault Jin, I broke all my promises to you, including my promise that I won't hurt you, not only you, but I'm also angry with myself, I keep blaming myself. Why did it happen beyond my control? But I remember your words Jin. You asked me not to hate my father. Nothing is perfect in this world, but we can make it much better and hating is not the way. I'm sorry Jin. I come to the lake every day, waiting for you there like we promised before. But you never come, don't you break your promise too? I love you Jin, remember what I told you, if not you, I won't fall in love to someone else, I will go, I left something in front of your room, you are mine Jin and will forever be like that"

Jungkook left Jin's house after told everything. He didn't expect anything just like Jin did before. He just wished he could meet Jin one last time. If after that there is no more chance for him.

Jin opened his bedroom door and saw the box he left in the dorm, he picked it up and locked his room again. He opened the box, there was no testpack inside, but a ring and a note.

"You are mine, so come back to me, meet me in a place where only you and I know, I love you and our baby, I'm waiting for you  -Jungkook"

Jin just cried smothering the box. He held his stomach and felt how much his heart ached. But everything his mom said is true, if he wants to be happy he has to forgive him and what Jungkook said is also true, hating is not the way to make life better.

After convincing himself, Jin put on the ring on his finger and walked out of his room.

"Jin..." his mother said.

"I forgive him, I can't continue to hate him, eomma.. I have to say something"

"What's that?"

"I am pregnant"


"I'm pregnant and I love him eomma.." Jin cried and his mother hugged Jin's body tightly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Meet him" His mother let go of her hug and Jin left his house.

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