"Just remember what i said Jin, you will regret your choice!" His mother left just like that and left them.

"Hey.. are you okay?" Jungkook stood in front of Jin who was holding his red cheeks with tears on his cheeks.

"Why are they all saying the same thing?" Jin stared into Jungkook's eyes.


"They say I will regret my choice, is what they say true? Will I regret choosing you?"

"Jin I--"

"Could you leave me alone?"


"Please, leave me alone, I need time" Jungkook kissed Jin's forehead and left the room leaving him.

Jungkook stayed out late, he deliberately didn't come back because he didn't want to disturb Jin. He also thought about those words, so he has a big responsibility not to hurt Jin. As he was walking around his campus building, he met into Jimin and Yoongi.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Jimin said.


"Looking for someone you can take to the room?" he said.

"I haven't done that"

"What do you mean?"

"I've been with Jin"

"You guys are dating?" Jimin said.

"No, but I just want to be with him"

"It's not like you at all, but I'm happy, that means this bet is off right?"

"No, I won" Yoongi said.

"Come on Yoongi, it's not about the bet anymore, I felt something with him and--"

"You fell in love"

"I don't know, but I'm not sure about my feelings I'm still afraid"

"Afraid of what? Afraid of not being able to make him happy or afraid of not being able to hold back your own lust?"

"I don't know"

"Then where is Jin?"

"He's in his room, his mom comes and scolds him for breaking up with his boyfriend and he slaps Jin because he knows he loves me"

"What? Jin loves you?"

"Yeah but I guess it's just to make his mom stop telling him to get back with Taehyung"

"Are you crazy? What if it's something honest from his heart? Why are you even here? You should be there with him" Jimin said.

Jungkook remembered what Jin did to him last night, Jin was beside Jungkook when his heart was hurt, he even comforted Jungkook and gave his shoulder for Jungkook to cry on. But why is he out there?

"Why are you still here? Quickly find him!" Jimin said and Jungkook rushed to his dorm to meet Jin, but he only saw Jin sleeping sobbing, his cheeks still wet, he slept without the blanket on him.

Jungkook approached him and sat on the floor, in front of his face, he wiped the tears on Jin's cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I should be here, hugging you like you did me" Jungkook kept looking at Jin's face and kissing his forehead.

The next morning Jin woke up from his sleep, he opened his eyes and saw Jungkook sleeping nearby, his body sitting on the floor with his head on Jin's bed, his hand also holding Jin's hand. Make Jin shocked

"Jungkook.." Jungkook woke up hearing Jin's voice, he raised his head and turned to Jin, his body ached all over, of course his sleep was very uncomfortable.

"You woke up"

"You slept here all night?" Jungkook just nodded and tears welled up in Jin's eyes.

"Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying again? See your eyes are so swollen from crying" Jungkook wiped his tears.

"Why are you sleeping here? Your bed is over there"

"I can't sleep without you"

"Aish.. you're lying"

"I want to do the same for you Jin"

"What's that?"

"I want to hug you when you are sad, but when I come you are already sleeping"

"Why don't you hug me?"

"You'll wake up if I hug you"

"I'll pretend to sleep" Jungkook just smiled.



"About what I said yesterday--"

"It's okay, whatever it is--"

"No, that's true, I love you and that's true, I know I can't expect anything from you Jungkook, I'm afraid of being hurt, and I shouldn't have chosen you, many people have warned me to stay away from you, even my own mother hopes that I regret this choice , but what if I never regret it? Even when I know you can hurt me anytime, I still choose you, I see what others don't see in you Jungkook, I want to fix those wounds with you, I know you will never love me, but- -"

"Sshhh.." Jungkook put his index finger on Jin

"That's right, you'll be hurt if you're with me, you won't be happy if you keep choosing me, that's true, I can't give all those fun things to you Jin, because I am still afraid of my life, I can't give what Taehyung gives you , but.. I want to be honest with my feelings. If it's not you, I don't want to fall in love with someone else"


"Yes, I love you"

"Yes, I love you"

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