What led Luna to distance herself from her family? Well, on their 6th-month anniversary, Luna faced an unexpected turn of events when her husband's ex-wife reappeared. Unaware of this development, Luna was diligently planning a surprise for Raffaele. Having sent their 'son' to her in-laws, she busily prepared her husband's favorite meal – creamy lemon chicken with mashed potatoes and green salad. As a sweet touch, she crafted a blueberry cheesecake for dessert. Luna, engaged in their marriage of convenience to provide a motherly figure for Alexander, was genuinely thrilled about the surprise.

They may not love each other but for sure they like each

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They may not love each other but for sure they like each. It was sure in Luna's side but for Raffaele it was still questionable. He may deny it but sometimes his actions said otherwise. Earlier she had text her husband to come home a little early than usual as she had a surprise for him and the latter replied with a simple 'yes.' She got ready in her forest green dress with her black heels. She did her hair in a low neat bun. She wore her golden jewelry and was ready for the night.

Ready by 19:30, she eagerly awaited her husband, excited about cooking specifically for him for the first time

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Ready by 19:30, she eagerly awaited her husband, excited about cooking specifically for him for the first time. However, Raffaele never arrived. Waiting until 21:00 with no sign of him, she was about to call when an Instagram notification grabbed her attention. Someone she followed had posted a story, and as she clicked, shock set in. The photo featured Raffaele, his son, siblings, parents, Luna's dad, and others, all wearing happy smiles. Yet, what froze her was the sight of Raffaele's ex-wife, Elizabeth Bennet, standing beside him with an unsettling gaze. The revelation, combined with her dad knowing and not telling her, shattered Luna. Tears fell unknowingly. After wiping them away, she cleaned the kitchen, discarding the prepared food.

Changing into comfortable clothes, she packed her bags and called a cab. Departing at 23:00, her actions were observed by the guard who remained silent. Luna reached the airport and boarded a flight to St-Barth, her cherished haven, at midnight.

 Luna reached the airport and boarded a flight to St-Barth, her cherished haven, at midnight

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Luna couldn't bring herself to return home after her two-week retreat in St-Barth. Instead, she flew back to Manhattan and sought solace in the house her late grandmother had gifted her. Concealing her presence, she maintained the illusion of being in Europe. Working remotely, she avoided venturing outside, even for groceries, opting to delegate the task or order takeaways.

However, today marked a departure from her secluded routine. It was Alexander's 4th birthday, and the longing to see him became too intense to resist.

The birthday celebration unfolded at her in-laws' house, adorned with lively animal balloons, games scattered in the backyard, and snacks adorning garden tables. Despite the festive atmosphere, Alexander appeared discontent and unengaged. His heart yearned for Luna, despite the insistence that Elizabeth was his biological mother. The connection with Luna brought him comfort and peace, making him reserved and quiet in Elizabeth's presence. His desire for Luna was unmistakable.

Around 14:00, as Alexander hesitated to cut the cake as directed by Elizabeth, his eyes met the person he had yearned to see for weeks. Luna stood in the doorway of the living room, holding a sizable bag. She was dressed in a striking blue plunging neck batwing sleeve tie front palazzo jumpsuit.

A warm smile graced Luna's face as Alexander eagerly ran into her embrace, his little hands wrapped around her long legs

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A warm smile graced Luna's face as Alexander eagerly ran into her embrace, his little hands wrapped around her long legs. Lifting him up, they shared a heartfelt hug. Luna's father, Luciano, was engaged in conversation with her in-laws in a corner, blissfully unaware of Luna's arrival.

Raffaele, although overwhelmed with joy to see his wife again, maintained a stoic expression. Her in-laws and father, however, were elated by her unexpected presence, having missed her immensely. There was one exception to this joyous reception—Elizabeth. She clung to Raffaele possessively, aiming to assert her claim over him.

Luna observed Elizabeth's attempts to assert dominance but chose to ignore the spectacle.

As Raffaele called for Alexander to cut the cake, the little boy reluctantly let go of Luna. Smiling at her, he was gently put down. Alexander proceeded to cut the cake, and his grandparents eagerly posed for pictures with him. Raffaele stood by his side, and when Elizabeth tried to join them, Alexander, in his innocent baby voice, exclaimed, "Mommy Luna, come here."

Embarrassed, Elizabeth was about to reprimand him when a sudden noise drew their attention. Luna had fainted. Raffaele, followed by his concerned son, rushed to her side. Placing her on their bed, he gently touched her forehead, noticing her weight loss and the dark circles under her eyes. He kissed her forehead and promptly called a doctor. The room filled with family members, including Elizabeth, who observed Raffaele's unusually caring behavior, something he had never displayed during their time together.

Dr. Emily Ford arrived promptly, requesting Raffaele and the others to leave the room. He adamantly refused to leave Luna's side, holding her right hand. The minutes ticked by, anxiety evident in his demeanor.

Shortly after, the doctor assured Raffaele that Luna was okay but had fainted due to some shock. Prescribing vitamins and an injection, she mentioned that Luna would wake up in the next thirty minutes. Raffaele thanked the doctor before sitting beside his wife, whispering regretfully, "I've missed you so much, love. I think I understand why you left. I'm so sorry for everything. I hope you can forgive your foolish husband."

A deep breath followed, accompanied by tears in his eyes. "I love you so much, my love." Tenderly, he kissed her forehead and embraced her tightly, lying down beside her.


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