Curing Villains: Pt.2

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Y/N 1's P.O.V.

"Impossible." I say in voice laced with fear and anger. Soul Sucker stands before us, drool and saliva dripping from the side so this mouth and lips.

"Babe? Is that?" My fiancé asks with fear stringed into his voice.

"So lovely to see you all here." Soul Sucker says in a dark and venomous voice.

"Get the other villains. Go, now." Y/N 2 says.

"We got him." Y/N 3 says, standing to my left side. Y/N 2 stands to my right, just in front of Peter.

"It's okay. Just me and you, Peter Parker. I love you, be safe." I say, grabbing his face and pulling him close for a kiss.

"Just me and you, Y/N Parker. I love you, too." Peter says with a tear running down his cheek.

"Such young love. That's how she died, remember? You remember how she died, Y/N? Valorie, Michelle. They loved you, and then died at the hands of fate." Soul Sucker says. He takes two slow, long, strides forward before being stopped by a dark blue force field. "You're stronger than I recalled." He says to me.

"It has been roughly seven years since I thought I distinguished you." I say blatantly.

"Where did those manners of yours go, young man? You kiss your mother with that tone?" Soul Sucker says amusingly. "Oh right. One's dead, the other one is MIA." He chuckles.

"You're the only villain who's destiny is death out of all of ours, bitch! There's not cure for you other than your own demise. You've been warned." Y/N 3 says loudly, his eyes slowly gloomy a soft grey color.

"Get out of here. All three of you, now!" Y/N 3 says to all three Peter's. I take a few small steps forwards and use my blue energy to change into my suit. I've changed it a little bit. It's now a high waisted pair of kelvan leather pants, with steel toe boots with a two inch heel, and a vest that covers my chest and body. The vest doesn't have sleeves, so they leave my arms bare. To top it off, I wear a new 'mask' you could say, that somewhat looks like Wanda's. The suit is midnight blue in color. Y/N 2 and Y/N 3 both change into their suits; seemingly identical to my own, but with their own colors. Y/N 2's suit is emerald green and Y/N 3's suit is matte black. We all say goodbye to our Peter's and then face off against the Soul Sucker.

"Well, well. Time to feast." Soul Sucker begins to suck the air around us, but I raise my left hand in the air and alter the air into hot, thick, red blood.

"Shield yourselves." I say to Y/N 2 and Y/N 3 telepathically. We all shield each other while the red, hot blood rain starts to down pour into the lab. Soul Sucker starts to shriek and suffocate on the blood rain and lack of oxygen.

"Do we just stand here and let him suffocate?" Y/N 2 asks.

"No. That'd be too easy. I wanna get my hands drift a little bit." I say. I throw my blue sword at Soul Sucker and and drives right into his torso. I whirl the blood rain in a spiral rotation with my hand, creating a dark, blood covered sword. The handle and blade all made of blood.

"He's more powerful than me, and that's saying something when my powers are black." Y/N 3 says to Y/N 2 in a hushed voice.

"We're all very powerful, Y/N." I respond with a wide smile on my face. I turn around to face the other two Y/N's and hold out my blood sword, with my palm open. "Take it." Both Y/N's grab the handle, and the sword splits into three. Before the tips of the three blades separate, the three departs ignite with bright colors. My sword being blue, Y/N 2's being green, and Y/N 3's being black.

All of us gasp in surprise as we levitate into the air. All of our different colored energy exists our bodies and connects with each other's. I feel an overwhelming and overpowering surge of power and energy going in and out of my body at a heavy rate of motion. I look up at the ceiling as my eyes are forced wide open; my body goes from hot and cold, to normal as I'm slowly lowered back down to the ground.
As soon as I get control of my body, I blink rapidly and look at my reflection in the window ahead of me. My suit is the same, just with splashes of blue, green, and black. As well as Y/N 2 and Y/N 3's suits. I smile widely at both of them and turn back to face Soul Sucker. I raise my right hand and pick up Soul Sucker with my blue energy, which is now mixed with green and black. I smirk with joy as I throw him against the wall outside the laboratory we're in, and then I face my palm down to the floor and hear as Soul Sucker screams and grunts as he plummets down the multiple floors of the building.
"Go help the Peter's. This is my fight now." I say to Y/N 2 and Y/N 3, my energy vibrating against my vocal chords. I walk over to the hole in the floor and jump through it.

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