Hotel Stay with Peter

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Y/N's P.O.V.

The night is still young, and I am so grateful that my mom let me and MJ get hotel rooms for the night so we can spend it with our lovers. She's been needing some time for herself anyways, so this works out fabulously. "Wanna help me finish some last second packing, babe?" I ask my wonderfully, amazingly, sexy and handsome boyfriend. "Of course, baby boy!" He says. "You two are so gross!" MJ and Liz say at the same time. "Oh please! You two were literally swallowing each other and dry humping the entire dance! And WE'RE the gross ones? Pfft, sure!" I say as I take Peter to my room, shutting the door. I turn around and am slightly startled when Peter grabs my waist and lays a kiss on my lips. I close my eyes, grab his face and moan into his lips, causing him to smile. "I had so much fun with you tonight, baby boy." He whispers, pressing his forehead against mine. "We're about to have more fun when we get to that hotel room, if you want to?" I whisper back. He looks at me and says, "I think I know what you mean by that." I giggle and give him a small kiss on his forehead, then go to get the rest my things for the night.

Once Peter and I get to our hotel room, I immediately lock the door with the pad lock and some blue wiggly woos. He turns around and blushes a little bit into his smile. "Um, what do you say we uh, take a shower together? Or possibly a, bubble bath?"
"A bubble bath?" Peter asks, thrown off a little. "Yeah. I haven't had one since I was like, eleven years old, so. Why not?" He thinks it over a bit, then slowly walks to the bathroom door adjacent to me and says, "I'll uh, get it ready. See you in there, baby boy." He winks at me, then shuts the door. I then run into the main living area and get the mood ready. I turn on the TV and find some soft music to play, then I flick my wrists with blue energy and snap my fingers. Blue, red, and black rose pedals appear on the mattress in a heart shape, with mine and Peter's initials in the center of it. Then just take put some lavender, vanilla, and blueberry scented candles and light them. I wasn't too sure if they'd smell good all lit together, but boy was I wrong! They smell, AMAZING!! "Baby! I'm waiting for you!" I hear Peter shout from bathroom. "I'll be in soon okay, babe?"
"Don't keep me waiting any longer, please!"
"I won't! Just a sec then I'll be there with ya!" Then I start taking off my clothes until I'm fully naked, then I look for a bathrobe and put it on. I open the bathroom door and see Peter in the tub, with bubbles surrounding him. "Yay! Hurry up, hurry up! The water's nice and hot. Just the way you like it!" He says all jittery. I walk into the bathroom, making sure to close the door on the way in. Then I head to the tub, I see Peter covering his eyes with his hand. "You can uh, you look. If you want to." I say shyly. He slowly removes his hand from his and looks at me. Then I slowly untie the robe and take it off me, once it's fully off of I see Peter's face shine bright like a red stop light and his eyes go huge. I smile softly and step into the bath rub, submerging myself in the hot water.

"This is nice." I hear Peter say after a while. "Yeah. It is nice, isn't it?" He nods, then adjusts himself, sitting up. My eyes naturally drifting over his defined body, I feel my face heat up as I see his abs and chest glistening due to the water. "I like what I see." I say, absent-mindedly. "Do you now?" He says as he rests his arms on the outer bowl of the tub. My face gets hotter as he does this; his muscles are flexing. Is he doing that himself, or is it just natural? I take a deep breath, I must know.

(P is for Peter and Y/N is for Y/N)

Y/N: "Peter? Can I ask you something? It's uh, it's kinda of a weird question."
P: "You can ask me anything you want."
Y/N: "Um so like, are you flexing your muscles? Or is it natural that they do that?" He chuckles as I ask my question.
P: "Um, it is now, I guess. Before I bit by that spider I didn't really have any muscle to me. But, it came when afterwards. Why do you ask?"
Y/N: "Because you have really nice muscles. And a really nice body." I breathe out a laugh and notice him blushing and looking down.
Y/N: "Please don't think that I'm only with you because of the way you look. I'm with you because of who you are. I'm with you because you care about me, you've always cared me. If even before our relationship." Peter then wipes away tear and hugs me. I hug him back, only for the hug to feel awkward for how I'm sitting. I adjust my sitting to wear my legs are on either side of Peter's, straddling him, hovering over his lap.
P: "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you, Lover Boy." Oh shit, he's crying. What did I do? I sit fully on his lap and grab his face, making him look my in the eye. I kiss his lips and wipe away his tears.
Y/N: "I didn't mean to make you cry, Petey-pie. I'm sorry."
P: "I'm a teenage, hormonal boy. Of course I'm gonna cry. But, this is a happy cry. I'm happy because I found the love of my life."
Y/N: "You're the love of my life, too, baby!" I say as I kiss him.
P: "So, what was the big surprise you had for me? Was it me getting to see you naked for the first time?"
Y/N: "Mmm, that. And something better."
P: "What? Sex? I thought we were waiting till your birthday?"
Y/N: "We are. It's uh, it's sex. But, not sex. It's sex with my mouth."
P: "I'm confused." I smile and lean down to this ear and whisper, "I'm gonna suck your dick tonight. If you'd let me? Or better yet, if you want me to?"
P: "Yes please."
Y/N: "Okay, Daddy. Then let's get to it."

Scarlet Witch's Son (Peter Parker x Male Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora