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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Alright class! Turn to page 394 and we'll get started on the study's of genes and hormones." Our chem teacher says. I sigh and take a drink of water out of my water bottle. "Turn to page 394." Ned says in a Professor Snape impression from Harry Potter, making me laugh so hard that water comes out of my nose. "AHH!" I exclaim as the cold water shoots out of my nostrils. "Leeds, Parker, and Watson! This is the last time I will want you not to disrupt my teaching time!" The teacher says, not turning around to see what had happened. I take another drink of water, at a bad time. "She kind of reminds of Snape. Now she just needs to throw something at us like Snape did with Ron." Peter whispers to Ned and I. I laugh again, causing water to come out of my nostrils again. "AHH!" I exclaim again, this time the teacher turns around to see what's going on. At first her face is angry, then it slowly goes to concern and confusion. "Um, what happened?" She asks. "Y/N laughed so hard that water came out of his nose." MJ answers for us, due to us laughing our asses off. "I don't get paid enough for this." The teacher says, going back to the board to write some other bullshit.

After the class is over, Ned, MJ, Liz, Peter, and I head into the hallway for lunch. Ned and Peter are still laughing at the fact that water came out of my nose with the way I was laughing. "Hey! It was funny, okay?!" I defend myself, trying to get everyone to stop laughing at me. "Oh, c'mon babe! We're laughing with you, not at you. I promise." Peter says, throwing an arm over my shoulders. "Turn to page 394." I say in a Severus Snape impression, making everyone laugh. MJ and I get in line to get something, vegetarian friendly and such. Which doesn't really work out. The only I can really eat that the school provides is a bland salad and fries, and of course fruit. Not a good lunch, so I just stick with an apple and a water. Keeps me going till I get home, and my appetite hasn't been up recently so, I eat less than I really should. I take a bite out of my apple and take a seat next to MJ, across from Peter. "Just an apple?" Liz asks, I nod at her for I am chewing on the apple. MJ leans into my shoulder and whispers, "You really need to try and something for than an apple."
"I know. I know, MJ." I say, taking a drink of water. "It's better than not eating all, but still. You need to eat something, bubba." I nod and look into her eyes; she's giving me puppy dog eyes.

MJ's P.O.V.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll get something. Stop looking at me like that." Y/N says, standing up and walking back to the line to get some actual food. I smile softly to myself, then interlock my fingers with Liz's. "What was that all about?" Peter asks, pointing to Y/N walking to the lunch line. "I told him to get something to eat. Something you should be telling him, too. You are his boyfriend. Just saying, loser." I say in a monotone. "I know but, he's stubborn and he—"
"He won't listen to you." I cut Peter off and finish his sentence for him. "Just give him puppy dog eyes. It always works for him." Peter wears his thinking face, it's one of his faces that he always makes. Kinda annoys me, not gonna lie. "I got food. You happy, now?" Y/N says in a sassy tone, taking a seat next to me. I look over at his tray to see a bland salad with a mixture of nuts, another apple, and a water bottle. "It's better than just the apple, yes." I say back to Y/N, just as sassy. Y/N rolls his eyes and starts eating, holding Peter's hand across the table.

The rest of the school goes by pretty well. If you call the boys mocking a character from a movie 'well.' "Oh no! Must go to platform 9 3/4 before it's too late! We might bust ourselves over our trollies!" Y/N says in a shitty English accent. Liz and I exchange a look, "Those boys! I swear to God!" Liz says, giggling a bit. "MJ! Liz! We're gonna go to the market and get some snacks! Wanna come with?" Ned asks in a loud voice from behind us. "Wanna go, babe?" Liz asks me, I look to her and back at the boys. The boys are patiently waiting for an answer. I just shrug and walk over to them with Liz in my hand. "Race ya there?" Y/N asks. We used to race each other all the time when he first came apart of the family. It's our thing, I would always win because of our height difference. "You're on, you little—HEY! GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" Y/N got a head start as soon as I agreed to the race. That little shit. I start racing after him, ignoring the other three shouting at us to hold up. Y/N gets the market first, cheering and jumping up and down with joy that he finally had one a race between the two of us. "YES! I FINALLY WON! Who's the sore loser now?" Y/N says with a huge grin on his face while pointing a finger at me. A small smirk slowly appears on my face, I scoff and grab his wrist to pull him for a hug. "Love you, little bro." I whisper into his ear. "Love you more, big sis." He says back. "You guys suck." Peter says out of breath. I turn around to see Peter, Ned, and Liz with hands on their knees, panting. I look down to my little brother, and we both start laughing. We all catch our breath and then head into the market to get some snacks. Y/N and I take a little longer to find our snacks, due to our dietary needs and restrictions. After we pay, we all head back to the apartment.

Y/N's P.O.V.

MJ, Peter, and I all walked Ned and Liz home; MJ wanted to spend some time with Liz, so she went with her. Peter and I are gonna stay at his apartment and watch Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. Since we were quoting Snape all day about it. We get to the part of the movie and say in sync with each and Snape: "Turn to page 394." Peter and I start laughing as Ron says, "Werewolves?!" Which makes Peter and I laugh even harder. "You boys okay? What's so funny?" May asks, knocking the door and opening it. Her eyes widen as she sees both Peter and I shirtless with a blanket covering our legs and another blanket around our shoulders. "Oh, we have pants on May. I promise. We uh, we're just watching Harry Potter. And we've been quoting Professor Snape all day." Peter says. "Okay, just making sure. Be sure to clean up your mess and uh, Peter?"
"Wear a condom." May whispers and shoots us both a wink. "MAY!" Peter seeths through his teeth. May and I both laugh and then she walks out of the room, shutting the door. Peter groans in frustration and then slaps his hands on his thighs. "Petey-pie. She just wants to make sure we're being safe. She pretty much gave us permission to have sex." I say, resting my head on his shoulder. "I love you!" Peter sighs and wraps his arm around me. "I love you too, Lover Boy. You're the best thing to ever happen to me. I will always love you. No matter what." Peter whispers.

I look up to Peter and adjust the blanket so I can straddle his lap. We both make eye contact before I hungrily kiss his lips. The kiss soon gets heated as I feel Peter's tongue brush against my bottom lip. I open my mouth and he sticks his tongue into my mouth and wraps it around mine. We both fight for dominance until he wins. I grab the sides of Peter's neck and deep the kiss, our tongues exploring each other's mouths. "You taste like chocolate, baby." Peter whispers against my lips, which sends shivers down my spine. I gasp in pleasure as I feel Peter's hands find their through the inside of my sweatpants and squeeze my bare ass. "Fuck, Peter!"
"You like it when I touch you like this, baby?" Peter asks with a devilish smile on his face. "Uh-huh. Please don't stop." I whine through my whispering. When Peter touches me, no matter if it's a hand hold or if he's spooning me, it's euphoric. As Peter and I move to his bed, I feel the brisk air run through my naked body. "I love you so much, Y/N. So so much. You're everything I could've ever wanted." Peter says, breaking the kiss. I feel my cheeks heat up and I smile warmly. "I love you even more so, Peter. My Spider-Man." He looks into my eyes and kiss me again.

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