Soul Sucker

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Spring break went by too fast but, I can say; I had an amazing time. Spending time with my sister, her girlfriend, my boyfriend, and the Avengers, was actually so much fun. MJ, Liz, Peter and I are all laughing while I fiddle with the keys to mine and MJ's apartment. Upon opening the door, I hear nothing but silence walking into the apartment. I kick my shoes off and walk down the hallway to my bedroom, I see my mother's bedroom door covered with a blue shield in front of it. I sigh deeply and walk into my room. I start putting my clothes away, thankfully I got them all washed before I came home. I feel a small wave of sadness in my body as I look a picture frame of my mother, MJ, and I. My eyes glow blue as I replay the memory in my head from when the picture was taken. It was last Christmas, we're all wearing matching pajamas. Drinking egg nog. Okay well, MJ and Mommy are drinking egg nog, I'm drinking hot chocolate. With extra marshmallows, of course. I hear a tap on my bedroom and look over to see Liz. "Hey, Liz. What's up?" She walks into my room and hugs me softly. "Wha-what's this for?" I say, slightly taken back at the sudden affection from someone that's never given it to me. "Just, you're amazing. And you're tearing up. I thought I'd give you a hug." She let's go of the hug and wipes away my tears. "Thank you, Liz. Thank you for, being amazing yourself."
"Thank you, Y/N." She says, then I hear another tap on my door. Liz turns around to see Peter. "I'll uh, let you two be." She says, letting Peter in the room. Liz shuts my door on her out and Peter walks up to me. He grabs my waist and looks into my eyes, I stare into his gorgeous and beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "What was that all about? She's not trying to take my man, is she?" Peter whispers in a protective voice. "No. She just wanted to give me a hug. I was uh, tearing up a bit." Peter's face falls and he asks why. I grab the picture frame and show him. "Oh, baby. I'm sorry." Peter wraps his arms around my waist, I just rest my head on him and feel his warmth. "It's okay. She's in a better place. This is a fucked up world." I mumble against his chest. Peter starts to rub my back, and I wrap my arms around him and walk us both to my bed. "You wanna cuddle? Is that what this is?" Peter chuckles. "Yes, Peter. I wanna cuddle. Now shut up and hold me."
"I'm already holding you?"
"Hold me in bed. Naked." I look up to him and see his face redden. "What?"
"A-do you wanna have s-sex? I-is tha--" I spare him the embarrassment and say, "No. I just wanna be naked, with you. And if one thing leads to the next then, ya know." I rest my hand on his cheek and feel the warmth spread across it. He smile down to me and puts his hands up my shirt.


Peter and I decided to go on a late night patrol together. I walk out of the bedroom in my suit, with a slight limp. We ended up having sex, and it was, as always, amazing. As I'm making sure my new suit is fitting perfectly on me, I see Peter crawl through my window. "You do realize you had to make a 180 just to get to my window right, Spidey?" He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. I put my mask over the bottom half of my face, I grab my phone and make sure my eyes are glowing before I snap a picture. "Why do you always take pictures of us? Not like I'm not complaining."
"To make memories for when we're older. So we have something to look back on." Peter holds me tighter and says, "I wanna be with you for forever, too."
"Funny how I'm the mind reader of the relationship, and you just read my mind." I laugh a little and then we head out for the night. I send a secret coded text message to MJ to let her know where I am.

Peter and I are out in Brooklyn, finding some trouble to stop. Queens is in good hands with Wanda and Vision. We spoke with them a little before branching out. I'm levitating in the air, surrounded by a shield I'm projecting off myself so no one can see me. A dark feeling soars through my veins, like danger is near. Then I hear a blood curdling scream and follow it. I find the source of the screaming and see someone holding someone up by their throat, sucking the air out of them? I see a small light leave the person's mouth and I throw a blue ball of energy at the person holding the one that's losing. "Ma'am? Ma'am, are you okay?" I say to the woman on the floor gasping for air. "They're coming!" She yells, pointing behind me. I immediately stand up and hold my hand out infront of me. Gripping the person in an all black outfit either my blue energy. "Who--" I try to read the person's mind in front of me, but nothing comes to me. Usually i can read anyones mind. Human or not. "What are you?" The being laughs evil like and changes form into a tall, large, muscley creature. "Soul Sucker." The creature says. My eyes widen and then glow blue as I summon two swords out of my powers and start fighting the creature. "GET OUT OF HERE! GO!" The woman staggers to her feet and then starts running. I continue to fight the creature until it over powers me by slamming against a building. I grunt and fly towards the creature. We both throw in a good few punches and then I pin the creature down the ground and straddle its lap. I summon one big sword with my dark blue energy and stab the creature inthe heart. It shrieks loudly and then a bunch of bright white orbs come out of the creatures mouth. "What was that?" I hear Peter ask from behind me. "I dunno. But it's not dead, yet." I stand up to my feet and grab the smaller version of the creature with my blue energy. "Let's get this to the lab."

Peter and I get to Tony's lab at the Avengers Compound and I explain what I saw to everyone. "I literally came just in time, too. The gal almost died." I say, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning on the table across the screen. "What's its name?" Dr. Banner asks. "Soul Sucker." I say. Everyone turns to me and looks at me like I just grew three heads. "What?" I ask innocently. "Soul Sucker?" Steve asks. "Hey. That's what it said. And I literally saw it sucking out a soul. Yiu better hope that mine and Mama's shields can hold it up. God formed we have to ask the Bleeker Street wizard for fucking help. Poser." I walk out of the room and head to the living room. I sit down and slowly start breaking down. "I miss you, Mommy." I whisper to myself.

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