Nightmare: Pt. 2

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Y/N's P.O.V.

One moment I'm peacefully sleeping in Peter's arms, the next moment I'm living the worst nightmare ever possible. I'm in unknown territory, in some sort of battle. It feels so real, like it's actually happening, or it might actually happen.

I'm hiding behind a falling building with Peter, who is in a new suit, in a planet somewhere in a different galaxy. I take in my surroundings even more and notice that I'm wearing a dark blue, almost black colored suit. The sleeves are cut off at my shoulders, leaving my arms bare, and with a very protective leather covering my body. Dark blue suit like pants with a skirt thing attached on the belt hemming of the pants, and boots. I touch my forehead and I'm wearing, a crown? Okay, weird.

As I look around the area I see people I never met before, besides Mr. Stark. Who seems to be wearing a new Iron Man suit. There's an alien girl with antennas, a shirtless alien dude with red scars on his grey colored skin, a man in his late 30s to early 40s. And then I see a wizard, sitting on a rock? As if he's waiting for something...or someone.

Then I see a blue smokey portal open and a very tall purple man walks out of it. "The talking grape." I think. "That's the talking grape I was telling you about, babe." I whisper to Peter. He visibly looks scared, for his life.

The grape and the wizard are conversing about something. "Our?" I hear the grape say. "Alright, baby boy. That's our cue! Let's kick some alien ass!" Peter whispers to me, then pecks my lips with his. Then he swings away and levitate myself up in the air with dark blue energy.

All of a sudden I am hit with a purple blast and I fly in a backwards spiral and my back bits something hard. I groan in pain at the impact, and stumble on my feet. I see the grape grab Peter by the throat and hear him say, "Insect!" He throws him on the ground and raises his fist to hit him, Peter struggling to get out of his grip. I leap forward and summon a sword made of my dark blue energy, and slash the giant grape across the face with it. This caused the giant to lose his grip on Peter's throat and groan in pain. I land in between the two of then, and use my free hand to project a transparent shield around Peter.

"I will kill you if you touch him again!" I seeth through gritted teeth. "The young Midnight Sorce--" He doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence as I hit him with a larger blast of my energy. "Stay here, Petey-pie. Your baby boy will be right back" I turn to Peter, then I blast into the air just above the giant and say to him, "Let's play some mind games now!" I then raise my left arm, face my palm towards him, and rotate my wrist and teleport out of thin air.

I teleport back behind him, and raise my left hand slowly to the left side of his head. I wiggle my fingers as dark blue energy surges into his temple, my eyes glow a very dark and a very bright blue as I open my palm and shoot a bolt of energy into his head. He groans in pain and agony as this happens. "Indespicible magician." He says as he reaches over his shoulder and grabs a handful of my hair and attempts to throw me, just as he let's me go, I push as much energy out me and hit him with long, powerful beams of dark blue power.

It hits him with such force his body slams into the ground, he summons energy from the power and space tones to send a long beam at me. With my left hand I hold the beam at him, and I shield myself from his attack with my right. After a brief moment, we slowly release the energy as we strain and pant. He growls and jumps out of the rubble to attack me. To kill me. I draw a sword from my powers, and slash him across his torso as I bend over backwards (literally). I flip around to face him, he marches towards me and closes his fist and summons energy from all the stones he has and sends the beam at me. I stand at my full height and create a powerful shield surrounding me, I am pushed back due to the contact of the four stones' powers combined. I struggle holding up my shield, and bend my arm to throw a blade of energy at him. But was stopped by the sound of someone screaming, "STOP IT AT ONCE!"

The big talking purple grape and I stop fighting and look towards the direction of the voice. The wizard. "I'll give you the stone, do as you please with it. Take it. And, LEAVE!" The wizard says. Before I can even protest, the purple giant hits me in the face with energy from the power stone and I fly backwards hitting my head on a rock.

Peter comes over to me and helps me up. I shake my head and mumble, "Fucking hell that hurt!" I look at Peter and kiss him. "We lost didn't we?" He asks sadly. "I dunno, babe. But I know one thing." I say quietly to him, then raise my voice and yell at the wizard, "IS THAT I'M GOING TO KILL THIS STUPID FUCKING WIZARD!!! AGGGH!!" I growl out in anger and throw beams of dark blue energy behind me, and fly towards the wizard at a high speed.

I stop as I tightly grip my hand around his throat. "You stupid son of a bitch!! You killed us! You handed him the freaking time stone!! Do you know what he's gonna do when he gets the fucking mind stone?!!" I shout in face, saliva coming out if my mouth every few other words and landing on him. "He. Is going. To. Kill. Us! I've seen it happen. The blue robot and the fucking billionaire playboy live and the rest of us die. It could have ended different if you didn't give up that dumb stone." I then ready myself to punch him across his stupid face, but I stop when I hear the alien with the antennas say, "Something's happening." I turn around and see her turn into dust, and die. I instantly turn into panic mode and run towards my boyfriend.

"Peter! Peter! Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter!" I frantically yell out his name as I run towards him. As soon as I get to where he is, I jump and wrap my arms around his neck and start sobbing. "Please Peter, please!! I don't wanna die! I don't, I don't, I don't! Please!"
"Baby boy, we're not gonna die! We'll be just fine." I pull away and say, "Then why does it feel like it?" I feel myself start to go weak and numb. My eyes glow the brightest they ever have. 'This is it.' I thought to myself. 'I'm going to die. Right here, right now. In the arms of the man I love.' I grab Peter's face and kiss him passionately. After a few seconds we pull away and I whisper, "I love you, Peter Parker." Then everything goes black.

"AHHH SHIT! UGGGH! OH MY GOD!" I jerk up in bed and scream. I look throughout the place I'm in and sigh in relief, "Oh thank fuck! It was just a nightmare!"
"Agh! Owww!!" I hear a voice yell out and then a body hit the floor to my right. I look on the floor to see Peter. I look my left to see the bed empty, then I look down at the floor again. "Oh my god! Petey-pie!" I shout. "Are you okay?! What happened?!" I say as I get out of bed an kneel next to him on the floor. "What do you mean, 'What happened?'" He says in a mocking tone. "You were the one that did that!"

A shocked expression spreads across my face. "I did this? Wh-wha--HOW?!" I stammer. "You were using your powers and-and, freaking out about something!" Now Peter is the one freaking out.

The realization hits me that Peter and I have never been with one another when I'm asleep. "Um yeah. I uh, I get like, REALLY bad nightmares."
"Your nightmares are bad enough where your powers are just, out there in the open?!" Peter whisper-yells. I then sit on the balls of my heels and sigh, I raise my hand from his chest and rest on his cheek. "Peter, there's something I gotta tell you. Come sit on the bed with me, okay?"

He nods then stands up and sits on his bed beside me. "How bad are the nightmares, Y/N?" He asks after a few moments of silence. "Really bad, Pete. They feel so real. It's like--it's like I'm actually living them." I choke back tears saying this. "I think these nightmares are a--" I inhale sharply as hot tears slowly start to stream down my face. Peter puts an arm around me shoulder as a sign of comfort.

He slowly rubs circles on my shoulders with his thumb and says in a soft tone, "You think they're what, Lover Boy? You can tell me."
"Promise me you freak out?" I ask, the tone in my voice sounding like I'm in actual pain and agony. "Promise!"

"I think my nightmares are a gateway into the future. Like, I think they show me the future and what is to happen."

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