Christmas in Queens: Pt. 1

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Tomorrow is mine and Y/N's first Christmas as a couple! Right now Aunt May and I are at the mall getting gifts for everyone, and it's really hard finding a gift for your boyfriend when he won't tell you what he wants. Or that he doesn't want anything. Y/N Watson is definitely stubborn, that's for sure. I'm looking through different racks of clothing in a Macy's and I glance over to see Y/N in the same department. I smile at him and he does the same, his eyes glowing a soft blue. "You know, it's kinda hard trying to buy your boyfriend a Christmas gift when he's looking right at you." He tells me telepathically, it still amazes me that he can do that. "Yeah well, its kinda hard when your boyfriend doesn't want anything for Christmas, so you're stuck trying to figure out what to get him." I say in my thoughts. "Rude, babe. Just rude." He says, walking over to me and hugging me. "Merry early Christmas, boyfriend. I love you." He stands on his toes to kiss me, "Mm. You know, you don't have to stand on your toes everytime you wanna kiss me. I can lean down, you're only two inches shorter than me." I say, kissing him again. "Mm, what kind of chapstick is that?" I ask, licking my lips. "Strawberry pound cake. You like?" "I do, very much!" I lean in to kiss him again, then I hear Flash. "Oh, Penis Parker and his faggy boyfriend." Y/N snaps his head over to Flash's direction and his eyes glow a bright blue. "You know what, Eugene?! Can you for once, for once in your god forsaken miserable life. Not be dickish!" Flash's face turns red and a fearful expression runs across it as he scurries away. "What did you show him?" I ask giggling. "I dunno what you're talking about." Y/N says, walking away to look at more clothing racks. "His worst nightmare? It was wasn't it?" I start prying at him to tell me what he showed Flash. "Nope, just ya know. Everyone's worst fears."
"And what's that?"
"Clowns?" Why does it always have to he clowns. "More specifically, Pennywise the Dancing Clown." Then we both make exaggerated gagging noises at the same time, both of us noticing that we just did that together. "We are such a couple." Both our eyes widen at the fact that we both said the same thing, at the same time. "Okay, stop that." We both say again, Y/N goes to say something else, but then looks over my shoulders and furrows his brows. "What the fuck?" He whispers. "Wha--" I start hearing that all too familiar high pitched ringing in my ear, and my body tingles. "Is your Peter Tingle going off?" He asks me in a hushed voice. "Please don't start calling it that." I whine. "Okay, well. Peter? Are you getting that tingling sensation you always get when there's a dangerous person near. Or you're in a dangerous situation?" I slowly nod my head in confusion. "So, I'll ask again. Is your Peter Tingle going off?" I let a frustrated groan and nod my head. "Hmm, love you, babe." He stands on his toes and whispers in my ear, "You don't have your suit on you. So, I'll take care of this." He gives me a quick peck on the lips and then walks away...little does he know, I actually do have my suit.

I quickly make my way to a dressing room, take off my backpack and start to strip off my clothes to put my suit on. Once I have my mask on, my Peter Tingle starts going awol. Like someone is right behind me, and a guy starts to speak, "You know, Spider-Man? Your little boyfriend of yours, sure can pack a punch. Too bad he'll be spending the holiday season in a box six feet below." That's when I spin around and kick the guy in the chest and he goes flying through the wall. As soon as I see his face, I immediately recognize him as the vulture guy's right hand man. "You!" I say in a venomous tone. He tries to shoot me with a weird alien fire blaster thing, but I shoot a web at it and grab it from him and shoot him with it inside. The backfire on it was so powerful I was sent back into the dressing room. I get back on my feet and I see the guy in the air, surrounded by dark blue energy, I look down to see Y/N. His eyes are glowing and radiating a very dark blue color, as well as dark blue energy coming from his hands. He has some bruises and scratches on his face, and some blood dripping from his nose and the top of his head. "If you EVER touch him again." Y/N says, his voice vibrating in various octaves as he speaks. "I will kill you myself." Then Y/N throws the guy across the store and runs up to me, his eyes going back to his normal eye color. "We gotta get outta here, Spider-Man. Grab your backpack." I nod and grab my backpack with a webbing. "Okay. Are we teleporting or swinging?" I ask. "Too cold outside for swinging." He says as we grabs my hand, raises his hand with two fingers extended out, then he twists his wrist and teleports us into my bedroom.

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