"A talk?" I ask and he nods.

"Okay." I act like I'm not scared. I put on a fake smile and stand.

"Where am I staying?" I ask looking between my uncles, cousin and Gio.

"Uh, yeah. Follow me." Gio says and I just nod and follow him upstairs.

Gio walks a head of me and I just follow him. He leads me up some stairs and down a hall to a bedroom.

"Thanks." I say as he opens the bedroom door for me.

"Try and get some sleep. It's been a long day." He squeezes my shoulder. What the fuck?

"Um... thanks?" I say confused. Why is he being so nice to me? We've slept together twice. Most of the times I sleep with one guy and he doesn't even look my way again except for when he wants another go.

"Goodnight Amara." He smiles before closing the bedroom door. What. In. The. Fuck.

I sit on the edge of the bed. My stuff is in Matteo's car. That's just great. I take my skirt and crop top off before climbing into bed and just trying to sleep but I have no words on what to say.

Matteo is leaving and my heart hurts.

My twin brother, the only person who has literally been there for me my whole life is moving away.


"What the fuck are you doing?" Jax asks and I quickly put my finger over my lip to get him to be quiet.

Jesus Christ.

I press my ear to Amara's door and just listen to her soft cries. They're actually very hard to hear.

"She's crying." I point out to Jax.

"Yeah, no shit." Jax rolls his eyes.

He reaches for the door knob but I push him away.

"What are you doing?" I whisper shout.

"Are you blind?" He asks signalling to her suitcase that I packed with her earlier.

"Oh. Let me take it." I say pulling it out of his hands.

Suddenly the door opens and Amara peaks her head around the door.

"What the hell are you guys being so loud about?" She asks.

Her eyes are red and watery but there's no actual sign that she's been crying just the bit of puffiness around her eyes but that could be anything.

I know she was crying though.

"I came to bring you your suitcase." I lie and she just nods and looks at Jax as he holds it.

"We come as a package deal. We do everything together." I lie even more.

She goes to take her suitcase from Jax.

"It's fine, I've got it." I take the suitcase from Jax and push past her into the bedroom.

I take the suitcase over to the closet and when I look back at her she's stood in her underwear awkwardly looking over at the window.

"Thank you Gio, you didn't have to do that." She says and I just nod.

"You're welcome." I say trying to not focus on her underwear. It's sexy. Fuck, look away.

Nope, too late.

"I should..." I point at the door. Get out before you do something stupid.

"Goodnight Gio." She says climbing back into bed, in her underwear. Jesus. Walk away.

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