31: Pressure Builds Around Me

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Shine could see how nervous she was just from her position and voice.

"What happened to her?" She asked. "What did Salem do?"

"I think it was more hearing about it," Oscar said. "I told them the truth...They want out."

"What?" Yang shot him a look of disbelief. "Are you stupid, you did that?"

"Oscar, you genius!" Shine clapped her hands together. "Of course...oh my gosh I'm so proud of you--I mean I'm livid at Salem and I'm upset because you're beat up, but like, the other part is pride. I couldn't have planned this better if I asked for it to be gift wrapped...I mean...except the part where you got hurt."

"I don't mind that part, if it works out, it was worth it," Oscar managed. "I mean, to make an omelet, you break a few eggs right? I just broke a few ribs..." [Give crumbling cube credit for the idea for this joke]

"Not funny," Shine said, "gosh you sound like Wally."

"Maybe both of you have rubbed off on me then," Oscar winced. "I kind of got the idea from you."

"That's so sweet," Shine said.

"Ew, stop being sappy," Yang said. "It's really weird. It's not like you're his mom."

"I wish if I was a mom that my kid would be ss smart as Oscar is," Shine shot back. "What's it to you if I like him? Is it hurting you?"

"Okay we don't need to fight," Jaune said.

"You're right Jaune," Shine shrugged. "That's stupid at a time like this. Sorry... can you boost Oscar's aura?"

"I think it'll have to wait," Oscar said.

"It's okay, I can do it while we walk," Jaune said. "And you're not gonna make it like that."

He held out his hands.

Emerald looked back at him nervously.

They made it almost out of the mouth of the whale...before...

Salem suddenly appeared almost out of nowhere, some gross crevice probably.

She eyed them all with hatred.

Emerald, understandably freaked out, tried to run, and Salem grabbed her with black goo.

"You really have been honing that semblance of yours," she said in her ear.

Emerald began breathing hard.

The others tried to shoot at her and black hands rose up out of the ground and grabbed them, even Oscar.

Shine was the only one they didn't grab, some reached for her, but her aura shimmered and they pulled back.

She drew her sword.

"Let the girl go," she said.

Wally came rushing in with Hazel.

"Hey good news--" he stopped.

Hazel punched him suddenly and he hit the ground hard.

Shine gasped.

"This one tried to stop me," Hazel said to Salem. "I see you caught the others."

"Yes," Salem said. "The lamp is gone..."

She glanced at Shine.

Black hands came out of the ground and grabbed Wally before he could get up.

"Babe," Shine hissed. "Don't let those things touch you, make them back off."

"Ouch..." Wally groaned . "I don't know how..."

He sounded kind of freaked out actually.

Shine was surprised. Why didn't he just try to vibrate out of them...

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