
"Wasn't that a dream?"

"What do you mean Jin? What dream?"

"I dreamed he kissed me, but I'm sure it was a dream"

"How can you be sure it was a dream?"


"What if he actually did?"

"No way" Jin kept remembering Ken's words, what if he really did it? What if he really kissed Jin that night?

He turned towards the entrance and Jungkook walked in from there with a man holding his arm. He looked at Jin then sat not far from Jin and Ken.

"Why is he looking at me like that?" Jin said in his head.



"I think Jungkook keeps staring at you from his seat"

"I don't care"

Jin returned to the dorm because the next class started in the afternoon. He walked into his room and not long after Jungkook entered. He was curious about what happened last night.



"Did you take off my shoes last night?"

"No, I didn't come home last night"


"Yes, what's wrong?"

"oh nothing"



"Okay, Jin, do you want to accompany me?"

"Accompany you?"

"Yes, I want to show you something"

"What? Show what?"

"Something you will like"

"But I have class this afternoon, why would you want to show me anyway? You teased me last night and--"

"Come on" Jungkook grabbed Jin's hand just like that, Jin tried to free himself but couldn't. They left in Jungkook's car. Very far from the campus.

"Where are you taking me? Are you going to kill me in the forest?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Written clearly in your eyes" Jungkook stopped his car in the forest and got out of his car, so did Jin.

"Why are we here? This isn't funny Jungkook, I have class this afternoon"

"I know, come with me" Jungkook walked into the forest until he saw a hidden lake with a small pier on the edge.

"Wow.. is there a place as beautiful as this here?"

"I know you will like it, this is my favorite place"

"Why did you bring me here?"

"To swim, let's go" Jungkook took off all his clothes, leaving his underwear on his body making Jin surprised. Jungkook ran and jumped into the lake.

"Jin, come in"

"No, I didn't bring a change of clothes"

"It's okay, come on in"

"turn around"


"Turn around, I'll take off my clothes" Jungkook turned around and Jin started to take off his clothes one by one. Until leaving his underwear and getting into the water. Jungkook turned to face him.

"How does it feel?" he said

"Amazing" Jin tilted his head up and looked at Jungkook who was already near him.

"Jungkook.." Jungkook grabbed Jin's waist and pulled him closer.

"You're lips" Jin's eyes widened.

"You..you kiss me?"

"You want some more?" Before Jin could answer Jungkook kissed his lips warmly and Jin slowly returned the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck. He took his lips from Jungkook.

"You like it?"


"Because I like your lips"

"Why did you kiss me last night?"

"You kissed me first"


"I'm a pervert but I'm not a liar" Jin's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"It's okay, you're sexy when you're drunk." After being in the water for a long time, they finally got on and sat on the pier with their feet still in the water.

"Why did you bring me here? It can't be just for swimming" Jin said.

"I'm interested in you"

"What?" Jin turned to Jungkook.

"Why? I said I'm interested in you"

"I have a boyfriend"

"Who? Does he study here?"

"No, he's studying at another campus"

"Oh so?, how long have you two been dating?"

"It's been 3 years"

"Do you guys often have sex?"

"That's a personal thing, you can't just ask."

"Do you have a lover?" Jin said.

"No, I'm not dating, I just like making out with lots of people" Jin immediately fell silent.

My Roommate // JINKOOKजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें