Part 2, Chapter 6 - Twilight

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As Rose finally got her food, she turned around to see the Cullens had finally arrived. She smiled giddily and skipped over to meet Rosalie, and she overheard Jessica giving the rundown to Bella on who they were.

"That's Rosalie and Emmett Cullen. They're together. Like together, together. I'm not even sure that's legal."

Rose heard Angela defend them and Rose smiled as she reached Rosalie and Emmett. Rose smiled as she motioned for the two to keep quiet so Rose could eavesdrop. Jessica's voice carried and the girl didn't even realize it. "Your twin is pretty much the only person they talk to. I don't fully know what she did but they all act like they're in love with her or something."

Rose tried not to laugh at the jealous tone Jessica had unconsciously let out. Rosalie smiled and to play along pulled Rose in for an intimate looking hug. Emmett knew what his mate was going for so when Rosalie let go he squeezed Rose from behind. Rose laughed out loud at the two playing up for the show.

Rose however did hear Bella defend her. "Rose is just really friendly. She's good at making friends."

Jessica softly scoffed. "Well anyways," she continued as Alice and Jasper walked by, "the weird one that's Alice. She with Jasper the one who looks like he's always in pain." Alice rubbed Jasper's arm and met up with Rose. She squealed and hugged her tightly.

"I know we already talked but I want to know everything about you and the boys!" Emmett then smirked. "Yeah. I heard someone finally grew a pair and kissed them."

Rose slapped Emmett on the arm just as she heard Bella speak up. "And who's he?"

Edward Cullen had walked into the cafeteria. "That's Edward Cullen. Though, I wouldn't waste my time. He's totally uninterested in everyone here so just don't." Jessica lamented.

"Yeah wasn't planning on it." Bella replied. Bella looked over her shoulder to see Rose greet Edward, teasing him about his messy hair.

Edward shrugged his shoulders at Rose. "At least I don't wear those stupid beanies so often."

Rose gasped. "Excuse me sir it is called having style. Look it up, and what is with y'all wearing this all white uniform? It's like you're trying to stick out."

Alice giggled. "Oh no reason. We just felt like it."

Rose threw her hands up. "Well alright. But don't come to me when y'all get the ugliest stains in the world." Emmett chuckled and fist bumped Rose.

Rosalie shook it off. "Okay but Alice and I want details. We know what happened, but we want to know what led to it."

Rose groaned. "And since you're saying this in front of everyone I'm assuming the whole family knows?"

Edward nodded his head. Rose let her head hit the table. She mumbled "Great. No better feeling than knowing your whole family knows I made out with someone."

Emmett decided to contribute. "Two someone's to be specific. And I heard you did a little more than making out."

Rose shrieked and kept hitting Emmett's arms. "Ew! Why did you all need to know that?!" Her eyes then went wide. "Oh my god does that mean Carlisle and Esme know?"

Jasper looked at the ceiling while Alice and Rosalie stayed silent. Edward had the balls to smirk. Rose gaped her mouth open at them. "That makes this so much worse!"

The group each took turns poking fun and lunch came to a close. Rose turned to Edward. "Oh! By the way, Bella's got biology with you next. Please be nice to her." Edward nodded and Alice looked strangely happy. Rosalie hooked arms with Rose and whispered in her ear, "I still want to know everything." Rose groaned but agreed and the two walked off to their car shop class.

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