Part 2, Chapter 2 - Twilight

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Paul and Jared had been in love with Rosebella Swan since they were six years old. The firecracker known as Rose to them had made them each apologize to a younger Jacob Black for accidently stepping on his sandcastle at the beach. It was Jacob's mother, Sarah Black, who assured them it was quite alright and invited the two to eat lunch with the Black family and the strange girl.

Paul had never interacted with anyone other than Jared really so the thought of eating food with a strange girl he'd never met made him uncomfortable. He guessed Rose saw that since she walked up to him and made him hold her hand as she pulled him towards the picnic that the Black family had laid out.

Paul recognized Billy Black, so Jared held his other hand as they murmured a quiet hello to the man. Billy nodded at them as Sarah gestured for them to take from the multiple sandwiches provided. Paul didn't know which one to grab so Jared reached in and grabbed one for him.

"Are you two thirsty?" the girl asked. Jared shook his head no while Paul stayed quiet. The girl squinted her eyes at Paul. "I'll take that as a yes. Which do you want? We have cokes, sprites, and water." Paul pointed at the water and the girl grabbed one and handed it to him.

"My name's Rose by the way. I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. It's just you stepped right on Jacob's sand castle and we were going head to head. I was even winning until you stepped on it. It's okay though. We can make one another time."

Paul relaxed a little and mumbled a small "It's okay." Rose smiled at him. "You don't talk much do you?"

"Rose honey don't be rude." Sarah chastised. Jared softly laughed at the girl as she scrunched up her face. Rose pulled the two down with Paul on her left and Jared on the other side of Paul.

"Sorry. My twin doesn't talk much either. It's actually why she's not here. She wanted to stay back with Jacob's sister instead of coming to the beach. I think shes allergic to the sun cause she's awfully pale." Rose droned on and on about her sister and how her mom moved them around frequently. She touched on her dad. "My dad's the chief and he likes going outside and even though it's not always sunny here he can still tan so it makes no sense for Bella not to."

Jared chimed in. "Wait, your dad is Chief Swan?"

Rose nodded. "Uh huh. He's friends with Mr. Billy which is good cause I'm friends with Jacob."

Jared smiled as he ate his sandwich. Paul and Jared spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Rose and Jacob. The two eventually had to leave, so they asked Billy if they could come over the next day to play. Billy nodded and that's how Jared and Paul got to meet the unfathomable Rosebella Swan.


Jared's truck had only three seats. It was only a front bench which was fine since the only people who ever rode in it was Rose and Paul. Rose sat in-between the two as she told them about her day. Paul had his arm around her shoulders and laughed at her recollection of the day. Jared had his right hand resting on her thigh and the other on the steering wheel. Rose swore Jared's hand was causing her heart to collapse. She wouldn't be surprised if the two could hear her heartbeat over the sound of the radio. Paul then began telling her how their day went.

"And then next thing we know Alex had spilled his lunch all over Bronson! So Bronson flips out. Suspended on the first day for pummeling Alex." Paul grinned as he retold the tale. "Alex didn't even do it on purpose. It was that snobby Taylor who tripped him up."

Rose looked over at Jared who nodded in agreement to Paul's words. Rose giggled and Paul looked triumphant at the sound. He squeezed her shoulders and poked her stomach which had been exposed. She wore one of his favorite outfits, a black cropped tank top with her baggy jeans and black converse. She had one of Jared's hoodies tied around her waist and had a black beanie that was Jacob's on her head. At Paul's poking she squirmed which accidently caused Jared's hand to move higher.

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