Part 1, Chapter 4 - Before

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The next few months flew by in a blur. Summer was now coming to a close. Rose had been enrolled into Forks high which saddened her since it meant she wouldn't get to go to school with her friends.

Over the summer she had spent every waking moment with her boys. The season was filled with beach trips and wood hikes. She learned from Embry how to braid and so Paul and Jared were sporting braids nearly every day.

Quil had taught her and Jacob how to make beaded bracelets so now everyone in the group had one. Jacob had complained at how Rose had made them "to girly" but was silenced when Paul glared at him until he went quiet.

The most notable moments of the season was when she had convinced Quil and Embry there were wolves in the woods and they should look for them. She made the three of them spend the night in a tent in the woods. In reality, they were in Quil's backyard and they fell asleep at nine, failing to see any wolves. There was also the incident.

The incident is referring to the time when Rose thought a good idea would be to go cliff jumping. She rallied the group together and they all marched up. Jared was lamenting how someone was going to break a bone while Paul challenged Rose to a race to the top. 

Once the group reached the peak and all the bravado Rose had instantly left her and she turned right around to run down the cliff through to the woods. In her hurry, she stepped on a small log and fell, twisting her ankle. Quil shrieked loudly at her while Embry panicked about going to the emergency room.

"No you guys don't understand I'm terrified of the doctors office! They have so many needles!" Embry went on and on as Paul picked Rose up and put her on his back to carry her. She was sniffling as she soflty laughed at Embry's panic. Paul squeezed her thigh and she buried her head in his neck so the group couldn't see her tearful face. Even though it hurt now, Rose knew she would be fine much quicker than most people. She seemed to heal much quicker than normal.

They ended up at Sue Clearwater's house. It was a nice compromise since no one wanted to get to the hospital, and Sue was known as the main nurse of the res. She also made the best cookies. Once Jacob knocked on the door, it was Leah who answered.

Leah was a little was in the same grade as Jared and Paul and she was very pretty. She had a symmetrical face and long straight hair. She was tall and she looked intimidating as she stared at the group.

"Everything okay?" She asked. Jared was the first one to speak up.

"No, Rose hurt her ankle and we were wondering if your mom was home. Is she?"

Leah nodded and opened the door for the group to file in. Rose was still situated on Paul's back and Jared had his hand on her back so she wouldn't slip. "She's just in the back room." Leah walked them through the living room to the back. As they walked past the living room they saw Samual Uley sat with a popcorn bowl in his hands. He waved as they all walked which they returned.

In the back room sat Sue Clearwater who was knitting a blanket with a young Seth next to her. She looked up at the group now squeezing in next to each other filling the tiny room to the brim. She stood up and gestured for them to sit in the assorted chairs as she handed off her blanket to Seth.

"Come in dears. What seems to be the problem?"

Embry explained was happened while exaggerating a few details. Sue laughed lightly and had Paul set Rose down on a chair that was pulled in to the center of the room. Jared again stood behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. Sue lifted her ankle as Rose whimpered at the movement. Paul held her hand as Rose leaned back in the chair and more into Jared's frame.

"A wolf was chasing you lot you say?"

Embry nodded while Quil shook his head at his antics. "Well let's hope the wolf is gone now." Jacob snickered while Sue smiled at the group and left to get a bag of ice. When she returned she addressed the group.

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