Part 1, Chapter 3 - Before

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It was a bright Saturday morning. It wasn't sunny, and it had even been sprinkling when Rose woke up but she didn't mind. Nothing could bring down today.

Charlie had bought pizza dough and cake ingredients so Rose could have a party with her friends. Charlie had also bought her her favorite movie and Rose was bouncing with energy. The boys were arriving by car. Paul was coming with Jared and his mom was dropping the two off while Jacob was hitching a ride with his sisters.  Quil and Embry were riding with Quils grandpa over.

Paul and Jared were the first ones over. Jared's mom dropped them off in the driveway. She waved a hello to rose and backed out the driveway with Jared and Paul each holding their overnight bag.

Rose walked over and took their bags from them much to their protest and motioned for them to enter her house. Inside there were air mattresses on the living room floor so that the boys could sleep comfortably while the girls slept in Roses room. There was still the guest bedroom in case anyone wanted a more quiet space (Jacob was known to snore quite loudly.)

She set their bags down in the living room. She figured they'd all arrange who slept where later on. Paul and Jared removed their shoes at the door and greeted Charlie who was finishing up the set up in the kitchen.

Charlie glanced over at them. "Hey boys how you doing?" Paul relaxed a little at Charlie's calm voice. "We're good sir. Thank you for inviting us." Jared mumbled his thank you as well.

Rose giggled at the bottom of the stairs watching Paul talk to Charlie about the upcoming bonfire the res was having. Charlie wasn't going but he was going to be giving his pie he would be preparing to Sue and Harry Clearwater. Charlie could only cook one thing and that was his apple pie and it was known to be the best in the state.

Jared meandered over to Rose who smiled up at him as she grabbed his hand to show him her new room. They trudged up the stairs and Rose immediately began telling him about all the plants she had. She also shared how she was planning on putting in shelves to put her new book collection she was going to start.

Paul joined the two upstairs to find Jared sitting on her bed looking at her pacing figure as she began retelling the plot to Pride and Prejudice.

"And then Mr. Darcy says "but not handsome enough to tempt me" and Elizabeth takes that personally. She then goes on to roast him and-"

In Paul's eyes she looked absolutely adorable as she went on and on about how amazing Mr. Darcy was and how she'd never find a man as good. Paul felt a little strange at that comment and decided to make his presence know by joining Jared on the bed.

Jared liked when Rose got excited about whatever topic she was thinking of because it meant she would promptly tell him and Paul about every detail of it. Jared wasn't one much for talking like Paul and Rose were so he liked when they did. It meant he got to listen. And he liked listening to her.

Rose wasn't even through the middle of it when she talked about how Mr. Darcy found Elizabeth peaking in on him and his sister when she heard her dad say that Jacob arrived.

Rose grabbed the closest boy to her by the hand (which happened to be Paul) and dragged him down the stairs to the door. She found Jacob already at the door and saw the twins driving away. She hugged Jacob promptly and had him set his stuff down.

Quil and Embry arrived about ten minutes after and when everyone was there Rose was quick to have everyone head to the kitchen to get started.

Charlie decided he was going to stay in the yard and then head to his room. He was determined to let his daughter have fun with her friends and knew with his awkwardness he might ruin the atmosphere.

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