Part 2 Chapter 5 - Twilight

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Rose woke up the next morning to her dad brewing her tea for her. She was in the kitchen and he pushed the sugar to her. As she fixed her drunk Charlie leaned on the counter and turned to her.

"Nice neck you got there." He said. Rose froze in her spot and reached up to touch the area where Paul had been kissing and biting on her neck.

"Is there really a mark?!"
"No," he replied. "But your reaction tells me what happened."

Rose's jaw dropped in disbelief as her dad started chuckling at her.

"So it finally happened huh? I was wondering when you'd kids would finally confess. Honestly it's a little later than I expected, I think I owe Billy money." Rose gasped at his words.

"You bet on me?"

"Damn right I did. I had a little more faith they'd man up and ask you out sooner. You sure as hell wasn't gonna do it." He sipped his coffee. He looked and saw how much disbelief was on Rose's face.

"Do you like them honey?" Rose's attention was focused again.

"I do, I really do." Charlie nodded.

"Then that's good enough for me. Besides, they're already practically living here." Rose giggled.

"Isn't it strange though? I mean, I'm gonna be dating two guys at once and they both know it."

Charlie hummed in though. "I suppose it'd be strange to those who don't know you. But hon you've already basically been in a relationship with them for years. As long as your happy and safe, I'm supportive of it."

Rose hugged her dad and moved to sit at the table just as Paul and Jared began meandering downstairs. Charlie looked up at them.

"Just please tell me you didn't sleep in the same bed already. It's to early for me to be a grandpa."

"Dad! Oh my god! No! They were in the guest bedroom." Charlie put his hands up. "Just checking."

Paul laughed at him and accepted the coffee mug Charlie offered to him. Charlie then handed another to Jared.

"I know I don't need to have the whole dad talk with you two. I already trust you just do me a favor and please be safe."

Rose hit her head on the kitchen table in embarrassment. Paul lifted her head to check for any markings and Jared responded to Charlie with a "we will."

The rest of the morning was easy going. Paul and Jared left, so Rose and Charlie went to the diner for their Sunday lunch. As always Cora waited on them.

The rest of the afternoon was mundane. Rose read her book in the living room with Charlie. They said their good nights and went to bed.

The next day Rose woke up to a text from Rosalie telling her not to bother driving herself to school, Rosalie was going to pick her up.
Rose got dressed in skin toned leggings and put on a black loose skirt over it. Her sweater she wore was a form fitted gray sweater. She finished it off with her black boots and a high pony tail.

She walked downstairs to have her morning tea, and waited for Rosalie to pull up. She shouted to Charlie a goodbye as she walked out the door to greet Rosalie and get in the car.

"Good morning Rosal-"

"Oh cut it with the bullshit. How was the make out session?"

Rose's head tilted. "Alice told you?"

"She couldn't stop squealing about it. She was talking about it all night we got no sleep."

Rose smiled at Rosalie. "As if you get any in the first place." Rosalie jokingly glared. "Not the point."

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